Road Performance of Cement Stabilized Recycled Materials with Different Strength Waste Concrete
GUO Licheng, REN Huang, ZENG Guodong, HE Yuzhong, WU Chaofan, FANG Yang, HAN Qingkui, JIANG Yuelou
2021, 40(5):
76 )
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In order to study the influence law among the strength of waste concrete, the performance of recycled aggregate and the mechanical and durability performance of cement stabilized recycled base material, the compressive strength of different parts of the waste bridge T-beam concrete, waste bridge column concrete, and waste pavement cement concrete was tested. The estimated strength values of these three kinds of waste concrete were 25.8 MPa, 37.4 MPa, and 58.1 MPa. The effects of three kinds of waste concrete with different strength on the properties of recycled aggregate and mechanical and durability of cement stabilized recycled materials were analyzed. The results show that with the increase of the strength of waste concrete, the crushing value, the content of needle and flake particles, water absorption, liquid limit and plastic limit of recycled aggregate are decreased, but the plastic limit index and the relative apparent density is increased. With the increase of the strength of waste concrete, the best content of cement stabilized recycled mixture is obtained. The water absorption and relative apparent density of recycled aggregate are not affected by the strength.Besides, the best water ratio and the maximum dry density are approximately linear decreasing and increasing respectively. When the strength of waste concrete is increasing, the unconfined compressive strength at 7 d, 28 d, 90 d, and 180 d, the splitting strength at 7 d,28 d, and 90 d, and the compressive resilience modulus at 28 d and 90 d are increased about the waste bridge T-beam concrete, waste bridge column concrete, and waste pavement cement concrete. Moreover, the dry shrinkage water loss rate of the mixture and the dry shrinkage performance is also decreased. And the mass loss rate of the erosion test is reduced and the anti-erosion performance is enhanced. Overall, increasing the strength of waste concrete can effectively improve the road performance of cement stabilized recycled materials.