
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 2564-2573.

• 新型功能材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛传勇, 董淑娟, 蒋佳宁, 邓龙辉, 曹学强   

  1. 武汉理工大学硅酸盐建筑材料国家重点实验室,武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-02 修回日期:2022-05-01 出版日期:2022-07-15 发布日期:2022-08-01
  • 通讯作者: 董淑娟,博士,研究员。E-mail:dongsj1987@163.com
  • 作者简介:毛传勇(1996—),男,硕士研究生。主要从事硅酸盐陶瓷涂层方面的研究。E-mail:569502291@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

High-Temperature Properties of Si/(Yb1-xYx)2Si2O7/LaMgAl11O19 Thermal/Environmental Barrier Coatings

MAO Chuanyong, DONG Shujuan, JIANG Jianing, DENG Longhui, CAO Xueqiang   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2022-03-02 Revised:2022-05-01 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2022-08-01

摘要: 采用等离子喷涂法在碳化硅纤维增强碳化硅陶瓷基复合材料(SiCf/SiC-CMCs)表面制备了Si/(Yb1-xYx)2Si2O7/LaMgAl11O19(x=0、0.5)热/环境障涂层(T/EBCs)体系。通过SEM、EDS和XRD等测试方法研究了不同组成的T/EBCs体系在1 300 ℃下的热循环性能和抗水氧腐蚀性能,进而探讨了热循环失效和水氧腐蚀失效机理。结果表明,在T/EBCs体系中,Si/Yb2Si2O7/LMA涂层体系的热循环寿命为403次,抗水氧腐蚀性能为50 h,Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA体系的热循环寿命降低至277次,而水氧腐蚀性能提高至80 h。YbYSi2O7与LMA之间较大的热失配应力以及层间含Al化合物或固溶体的生成是Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA热循环寿命降低的主要原因;YbYSi2O7-EBCs层较少的杂质氧化物减少了与水反应生成挥发性物质的几率,提高了Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA的抗水氧腐蚀能力。

关键词: SiCf/SiC-CMCs, 热/环境障涂层, 热障涂层, 环境障涂层, 热循环, 高温水氧腐蚀, Yb2Si2O7, YbYSi2O7

Abstract: Si/(Yb1-xYx)2Si2O7/LaMgAl11O19(x=0, 0.5) thermal/environmental barrier coatings (T/EBCs) were prepared by plasma sprayingmethod on the surface of SiC fiber reinforced SiC ceramic composites (SiCf/SiC-CMCs). The thermal cycle performance and water-oxygen corrosion resistance at 1 300 ℃ of T/EBCs systems with different components were investigated by means of SEM, EDS and XRD. And failure mechanisms of the thermal cycle and water-oxygen corrosion were further discussed. The results indicate that the thermal cycle life of Si/Yb2Si2O7/LMA coating system is 403 cycles and water-oxygen corrosion resistance is 50 h. The thermal cycle life of Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA system decreases to 277 cycles, while the water-oxygen corrosion resistance increases to 80 h. The larger thermal mismatch stress and the formation of Al-containing compounds or solid solutions between YbYSi2O7 and LMA are the main factors that reduce the thermal cycle life of Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA. The less oxide impurities in the YbYSi2O7-EBC layer reduce the probability of reaction with water to generate volatile substances, and improve the water-oxygen corrosion resistance of Si/YbYSi2O7/LMA.

Key words: SiCf/SiC-CMCs, thermal/environmental barrier coating, thermal barrier coating, environmental barrier coating, thermal cycle, high temperature water-oxygen corrosion, Yb2Si2O7, YbYSi2O7
