
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1753-1757.

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  1. 海南中航特玻科技有限公司,澄迈 571924;特种玻璃国家重点实验室,澄迈 571924;广东中航特种玻璃技术有限公司,惠州,516000;海南中航特玻科技有限公司,澄迈 571924;特种玻璃国家重点实验室,澄迈 571924;海南大学,海南省特种玻璃重点实验室,海口 570228
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and Research of Uv-infrared Strong Absorption Sodium Borosilicate Glass

PAN Guo-zhi;ZHANG Zhen-hua;FU You-jie;ZHAO Hui-feng;JIANG Hong   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 采用高温熔融法,在钠硼硅玻璃体系中掺入稀土与金属氧化物制备了紫外红外强吸收的节能环保玻璃,并研究了不同稀土与金属氧化物掺杂量对玻璃光学、热学及结构等性能的影响.研究表明:在保证一定可见光透过率的前提下,通过调节稀土与金属氧化物的量可提高紫外红外吸收:随着CeO2和TiO2共掺杂量增加,玻璃的紫外透过率随着掺杂量增加而明显下降,而近红外透过率却上升;随着Fe2 O3和SnO2共掺杂量增加,玻璃的紫外、可见光和近红外透过率随着掺杂量增加而明显下降;当CeO2、TiO2、Fe2 O3和SnO2掺杂质量百分数分别约为0.6%、1%、0.6%和1%时,紫外平均透过率Tuv≤5%,近红外平均透过率Tir≤20%;同时,此钠硼硅玻璃热学和机械性能等较好于普通钠钙硅玻璃.

关键词: 钠硼硅玻璃;本体掺杂;紫外吸收;红外吸收;节能环保

Abstract: Using high temperature melting method , in the system of sodium borosilicate glass doped with rare earth and metal oxide was prepared by uv-infrared strong absorption of energy conservation and environmental protection glass, and researched the different amount of rare earth and metal oxide doped glass optical, thermal and structure, etc.The research shows that, under the precondition of ensuring certain visible light transmittance, the uv-infrared absorption can be enhanced by regulating the amount of rare earth and metal oxides.With the increase of total doping of CeO 2 and TiO2 , the ultraviolet-transmittance of glass decreased significantly with the increase of doping , while the near-infrared transmittance increased.With the increase of the total doping of Fe 2 O3 and SnO2 , the ultraviolet-visible and near-infrared transmittance of glass decreased significantly with the increase of doping .When the quality percentages of CeO 2 , TiO2 , Fe2 O3 and SnO2 were about 0.6%, 1%, 0.6% and 1%respectively, the average transmittance of Tuv was less than 5%, and the average transmittance of Tir was less than 20%.At the same time, this sodium borosilicate glass pyrology and mechanical properties are better than normal sodium calcium silicate glass .

Key words: sodium borosilicate glass;body doping;ultraviolet absorption;infrared absorption;energy conservation and environmental protection
