
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1747-1752.

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  1. 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院,重庆,400045
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Investigation of the Effect of CaO Expansive Agent on the Restricted Expansion Rate of Alkali Activated Slag Mortar

LI Shuang;ZHANG Zhi-lu;TANG De-sha;HUANG Wen-cong;YU Lin-wen;YANG Kai   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 通过XRD、SEM、水化热等方法研究了CaO类膨胀剂对碱矿渣水泥砂浆限制膨胀率的影响.结果表明:在6% ~10%范围内,随着膨胀剂掺量的增加,碱矿渣水泥砂浆限制膨胀率增大、3 d抗压强度提高,但7 d以后抗压强度明显降低;内掺膨胀剂后水化放热加速峰提前,但放热速率及总放热量降低;XRD及SEM测试结果表明Ca(OH)2是CaO类膨胀剂在碱矿渣水泥砂浆中的主要产物.尽管CaO类膨胀剂能够在碱矿渣胶凝体系中产生膨胀,但由于生成Ca(OH)2速度与碱矿渣水化速度协调性不足,以至其不能发挥有效补偿收缩作用.

关键词: 碱矿渣水泥;膨胀剂;限制膨胀率;水化热

Abstract: The restricted expansion rate of alkali activated slag (AAS) mortar with CaO expansive agent was studied and XRD, SEM and hydration heat were utilized to examine characteristics of hydration products of AAS mortar.The results indicate that alkali activated slag mortar 3 d compressive strength increased as the dosage of CaO expansive agent increases from 6% to 10%, but the compressive strength after 7 d decreases and the restricted expansion rate increased .The results of hydration heat show that the expansive agent can accelerate hydration exothermic peak , while a reduced total heat and rates of hydration are observed.It is also found from the results of XRD and SEM that calcium hydroxide is the main source in alkali activated slag mortar with CaO expansive agent .This suggests that the shrinkage compensating cannot achieve an " effective compensation " due to the difference in rate of hydration between CaO agent and AAS mortar , although the CaO expansive agent has compensation effect for shrinkage.

Key words: alkali activated slag;expansive agent;restricted expansion rate;hydration heat
