
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1520-1524.

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  1. 上海玻璃钢研究院有限公司,上海,201404;上海大学材料学院电子信息材料系,上海,200444
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Characterization of the AlON Powders Fabricated by Carbothermal Reduction and Nitridation Method and Preparation of the Transparent Ceramic

LEI Jing-xuan;SHI Ying;SHI Jian-bo   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以 γ-Al2 O3和炭黑为原料,通过碳热还原氮化法合成AlON粉体,经球磨后得到了亚微米级AlON粉体,无压烧结制备了透明AlON陶瓷,利用SEM、XRD、FTIR、电子能量损失谱(EELS)和氧氮分析仪对粉体进行了分析表征.结果表明:合成的AlON粉体经1 h球磨后得到了平均粒度为0.65μm,比表面积为12.6 m 2/g的AlON粉体,粉体中Al含量与Al5 O6 N相的接近,氧含量稍微偏高,氮含量偏低.该粉体添加0.08wt%Y2 O3+0.02wt%La2 O3为烧结助剂,在1875℃无压烧结24 h制备了光学直线透过率为71.5%@900 nm的透明AlON陶瓷(1 mm厚).

关键词: 碳热还原氮化法;AlON粉;电子能量损失谱;透明陶瓷

Abstract: The gamma alumina and carbon black as raw materials were used to synthesize AlON powders through the carbothermal reduction and Nitridation method .And then transparent AlON ceramics were fabricated with the nano-micro AlON powders obtained by high energy ball -milling the synthesized AlON powders.The AlON powders were characterized with SEM , XRD, FTIR, electron energy-loss spec-troscopy(EELS), and Nitrogen /oxygen Determinator etc.The results show that the single phase AlON powders with an average particle size of 0.65 μm and a specific area of 12.6 m 2 /g were prepared by high energy ball-milling of the synthesized AlON powders .Compared with Al5 O6 N phase, the single phase powders have the similar Al content to a little higher oxygen content and lower nitrogen content .Using 0. 08wt%Y2 O3 +0.02wt%La2 O3 as the sintering aids, the transparent AlON ceramic with the in-line optical transmittance at 900 nm wavelength of 71.5% (1 mm thickness) was prepared by pressureless sintering the AlON powders under the condition of 1875 ℃ ×24 h.

Key words: carbothermal reduction and nitridation method;AlON powder;electron energy-loss spec-troscopy;transparent ceramic
