BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 1931-1937.

Special Issue: 水泥混凝土

• Cement and Concrete • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Blockage Mechanism Analysis of 3D Printing of High Viscosity Cement

WANG Yibo1,2, REN Changzai3, YAN Ming1, AO Chenyang4   

  1. 1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;
    2. College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou 121000, China;
    3. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Qilu University of Technology, Jinan 250353, China;
    4. Unit 92942, Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Beijing 100161, China
  • Received:2023-04-13 Revised:2023-04-13 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-25

Abstract: In order to solve the blockage problem of 3D printing of high viscosity cement, physical simulation experiments were carried out by building up a 3D printing platform. The hardened products were detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the internal flow field of printhead was analyzed by finite element software Polyflow. Combining with tests results and numerical simulation results, the reasons for the blockage problem were confirmed. The results show that the setting time of high viscosity cement is 10~23 min, which is faster than that of ordinary Portland cement to form prismatic crystals. The internal pressure gradient of printhead reaches a peak value 113.9 kPa at extrusion outlet, and the slurry in the channel is transported in the form of plug flow. During the process of 3D printing, part of the slurry adheres to the surface of the screw, and the product formed by rapid hardening is embedded in the micro-convex surface of the screw. The unadsorbed slurry in the channel is transported in the form of plug flow under the action of high pressure difference in the cylinder, and the liquid phase migration occurs at the variable diameter in the cylinder, which eventually causes the printing blockage problem. The research results can provide theoretical support for the design of 3D printing printhead used for high viscosity cement.

Key words: high viscosity cement, blockage, plug flow, pressure gradient, liquid phase migration, Polyflow

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