
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 870-877.

• 资源综合利用 • 上一篇    下一篇


詹奇淇1,2,3, 章家海1,2,3, 王晓海1,2,3, 陈慧1,2,3, 项炳泉1,2,3   

  1. 1.安徽省建筑科学研究设计院,合肥 230031;
    2.安徽省建筑工程质量第二监督检测站,合肥 230031;
    3.绿色建筑与装配式建造安徽省重点实验室,合肥 230031
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-13 修回日期:2021-11-29 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-04-08
  • 通讯作者: 项炳泉,教授级高工。E-mail:ahjkdsz@163.com
  • 作者简介:詹奇淇(1991—),男,工程师。主要从事新型建筑材料研究。E-mail:1542118544@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Property of Sepiolite Fiber Reinforced Artificial Sand Mortar with High Stone Powder Content

ZHAN Qiqi1,2,3, ZHANG Jiahai1,2,3, WANG Xiaohai1,2,3, CHEN Hui1,2,3, XIANG Bingquan1,2,3   

  1. 1. Anhui Institute of Architectural Research and Design, Hefei 230031, China;
    2. The Second Supervision and Inspection Station for Anhui Province Building Engineering Quality, Hefei 230031, China;
    3. Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Building and Assembly Construction, Hefei 230031, China
  • Received:2021-10-13 Revised:2021-11-29 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-04-08

摘要: 以高石粉含量机制砂砂浆为研究对象,分析了海泡石纤维体积掺量和长度的变化对砂浆力学性能和干燥收缩的影响规律,并使用压汞仪和扫描电子显微镜研究了砂浆内部孔结构和微观形貌的变化特征。结果表明:适宜体积掺量的短海泡石纤维可显著改善砂浆的抗压强度、抗折强度和抗干燥收缩能力。与空白组相比,长度为1 mm的纤维体积掺量为1.5%时,试件28 d抗压强度和抗折强度分别提高98.9%和36.2%;长度为1 mm的纤维体积掺量为2.0%时,28 d自然干燥收缩值降低72.1%。海泡石纤维试件内部形成了大量针棒状钙矾石和片状氢氧化钙晶体,有效提高了砂浆硬化体系的密实性,砂浆总孔隙率与纤维掺量成反比。

关键词: 砂浆, 石粉, 机制砂, 海泡石纤维, 干燥收缩, 孔隙结构

Abstract: The influences of sepiolite fiber volume fraction and length on mechanical properties and drying shrinkage of artificial sand mortar with high stone powder content were investigated. A mercury porosimeter and a scanning electron microscope were employed to analyse the characteristic variation of mortar internal pore structure and microscopic morphology. The results indicate that an appropriate quantity of short sepiolite fiber significantly improves the compressive strength, flexural strength and drying shrinkage resistance of mortar. Compared to the blank group, the 28 d compressive strength and flexural strength of specimens with 1.5% volume fraction of 1 mm length fiber increase by 98.9% and 36.2%, respectively. Besides, the 28 d natural drying shrinkage value with 2.0% volume fraction of 1 mm length fiber reduces by 72.1%. A large number of needle-shaped ettringite and flaky calcium hydroxide crystals are observed inside the sepiolite fiber specimen, which effectively improve the compactness of mortar hardening system. The total porosity of mortar is inversely proportional to the fiber volume fraction.

Key words: mortar, stone powder, artificial sand, sepiolite fiber, drying shrinkage, pore structure
