
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 3879-3890.

• 水泥混凝土 •    下一篇


申艳军1,2,3, 郝建帅1,3, 白志鹏1,3, 周子涵1,4, 李玉根5, 廖太昌6, 7, 张凯峰8   

  1. 1.西安科技大学地质与环境学院,西安 710054;
    2.西安科技大学煤炭绿色开采地质研究院,西安 710054;
    3.西安科技大学陕西省煤炭绿色开发地质保障重点实验室,西安 710054;
    4.中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院,北京 100083;
    5.榆林学院建筑工程学院,榆林 719000;
    6.中铁二十局集团有限公司,西安 710046;
    7.中铁建科检测有限公司,西安 710016;
    8.中建西部建设北方有限公司,西安 710116
  • 出版日期:2021-12-15 发布日期:2022-01-07
  • 作者简介:申艳军(1984—),男,博士,教授。主要从事固废利用及绿色建材等方面研究。E-mail:shenyj@xust.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress of Concrete Prepared by Desert Sand

SHEN Yanjun1,2,3, HAO Jianshuai1,3, BAI Zhipeng1,3, ZHOU Zihan1,4, LI Yugen5, LIAO Taichang6,7, ZHANG Kaifeng8   

  1. 1. College of Geology and Environment, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China;
    2. Geological Research Institute for Coal Green Mining, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China;
    3. Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Geological Support for Coal Green Exploitation, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China;
    4. School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
    5. School of Civil Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin 719000, China;
    6. China Railway 20th Bureau Group Co. , Ltd. , Xi'an 710046, China;
    7. China Railway Construction Testing Co. , Ltd. , Xi'an 710016, China;
    8. China Construction West Construction North Co. , Ltd. , Xi'an 710116, China
  • Online:2021-12-15 Published:2022-01-07

摘要: 采取“因地制宜,就地取材”策略,合理地将沙漠砂用于混凝土制备,是缓解西北地区建筑用砂供需矛盾的一种有效途径。本文首先通过文献研究与统计分析相结合的方法,归纳总结了不同地区沙漠砂基本理化特性;其次,梳理了现阶段沙漠砂制备混凝土研究状况,并对其所存在问题进行了总结概括;最后,展望了沙漠砂混凝土未来研究发展方向。研究表明,沙漠砂在一定条件下可替代或部分替代骨料用于制备混凝土,沙漠砂部分代替河砂制备的混凝土的工作性、力学性能及耐久性(抗冻性、抗高温性)能够满足一般的工程要求,部分情况下甚至优于普通混凝土。本研究可为沙漠砂混凝土在实际工程中的应用提供借鉴,并可为实现沙漠砂的绿色开采及资源化利用提供新的模式参考。

关键词: 沙漠砂, 建筑用砂, 混凝土, 细骨料, 综合利用

Abstract: Adopting the strategy of “taking local materials according to local conditions” and reasonably using desert sand for concrete preparation is an effective way to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of sand for construction in Northwest China. Firstly, the basic physicochemical characteristics of desert sand in different regions through the method of combining literature research and statistical analysis were summarized. Secondly, the current research status of desert sand concrete preparation was combed. And its existing problems, prospected the future research development direction of desert sand concrete were summarized. Studies at the present stage show that desert sand can replace or partially replace aggregate in the preparation of concrete under certain conditions. The workability, mechanical properties and durability (frost resistance, high temperature resistance) of concrete prepared by desert sand partially replacing river sand meet the general engineering requirements, and some conditions are even better than ordinary concrete. This research review provides reference for the application of desert sand concrete in practical engineering, and provides a new model reference for realizing the green mining and resource utilization of desert sand.

Key words: desert sand, construction sand, concrete, fine aggregate, comprehensive utilization
