
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1710-1713.

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  1. 辽宁科技大学高温材料与镁资源工程学院,鞍山,114051
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18

Effect of SiO2 Content on the Properties of High Purity Al2O3-MgO-CaO Castable

LIU Yang;LI Zhi-jian;XUE Zong-wei;WU Feng   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 本试验以板状刚玉、烧结镁铝尖晶石以及活性 α-Al2 O3为主要原料,以纯铝酸钙水泥为结合剂,分别外加0wt%、0.25wt%、0.5wt%的熔融石英粉(w(SiO2)=99.64%)制备了高纯Al2 O3-MgO-CaO系浇注料.通过改变熔融石英粉的加入量来改变SiO2的引入量,对试样的相关性能进行了检测,在研究SiO2引入量对浇注料性能影响的同时,探究利用引入微量SiO2在高温烧结中产生的熔融液态玻璃相,提高试样的热震稳定性的可行性.结果表明:引入微量的SiO2对试样性能尤其是高温性能的影响依然显著,SiO2的引入量在0wt% ~0.25wt%时,试样的各项性能较为优异;利用引入微量SiO2在高温烧结中产生的玻璃相,在缓冲热应力的同时,可以通过促进CA6生长调整其穿插结构,从而提高了材料的抗热震性.

关键词: Al2O3-MgO-CaO体系;二氧化硅;熔融石英粉;物理性能

Abstract: In this experiment, high purity Al2 O3-MgO-CaO castables were prepared using tabular corundum, sintered spinel and the activity α-Al2 O3 as the main raw material, calcium aluminate cement as binder, addition with the fused silica powder (w(SiO2 ) =99.64%) with 0wt%, 0.25wt% and 0. 5wt%.By changing the amount of fused silica powder to change the amount of SiO 2 introduced, the relative properties of the sample were tested.In order to study the effect of SiO 2 introduction on the properties of castables, the feasibility of improving the thermal shock stability of molten glass by introducing trace SiO 2 in high temperature sintering is also investigated .The results showed that the addition of trace SiO2 on the properties of samples was especially high temperature properties are still significant, introducing the amount of SiO 2 in the 0wt%-0.25wt%, the performance of the samples is excellent; By introducing the glass phase produced by high temperature sintering of trace SiO 2 , the thermal shock resistance of the material can be improved by promoting the growth of CA 6 and adjusting its insert structure while buffering the thermal stress .

Key words: Al2 O3-MgO-CaO system;silicon dioxide;fused silica powder;physical property
