
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1704-1709.

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  1. 贵州民族大学大学生创新创业指导中心,贵阳,550025;贵州民族大学,贵州省教育厅光电信息处理与分析特色重点实验室,贵阳 550025;贵州民族大学材料科学与工程学院,贵阳,550025
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:
    The science and technology foundation of Guizhou province,China(the contract LH of Guizhou [2016]7077)%The youth science and technology talents growth projects foundation in Guizhou province department education ,China(the contract KY of Guizhou [2016]166)%Innovation Group Major Program of Guizhou Province(KY[2016]028,KY[2016]029,KY[2016]030)

First Principles Study on the Electronic Structure and the Dielectric Polarization Characteristics of Crthorhombic Ca2Ge

CEN Wei-fu;YANG Yin-ye;LYU Lin   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 采用基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理超软贋势平面波方法计算了Ca2 Ge的电子结构、各方向的介电函数和极化对各方向的介电函数的影响.研究结果表明:Ca2 Ge是带隙值Eg=0.483 eV的直接带隙半导体,价带主要由Ca 3d和Ge 4p电子贡献,价带中存在s-p-d和p-d两种轨道杂化,导带主要由Ca 3d电子贡献,不存在杂化轨道.Ca2 Ge介电函数存在各项异性,当受到极化时,(100)和(001)方向的介电常数减小,虚部的第一介电峰呈现蓝移现象,最大介电峰增强,电子跃迁增加;(010)方向的介电常数增加,虚部第一介电峰呈现红移,最大介电峰增加.说明极化促进电子跃迁,是调控电子跃迁的有效手段,计算结果为Ca2 Ge的研究提供理论参考.

关键词: Ca2Ge;电子结构;介电函数;极化;第一性原理

Abstract: The electronic structure, dielectric function and dielectric polarization characteristics of Ca 2 Ge were studied by the first-principles pseudo-potential method.The results show that Ca 2 Ge is a direct band gap semiconductor with the band gap of 0.483 eV.The valence bands are mainly composed of Ca 3d and Ge 4p, existed in s-p-d orbital hybridization and p-d orbital hybridization.The conduction bands are mainly composed of Ca 3d, non-existed in orbital hybridization.The dielectric function of orthorhombic Ca2 Ge existes in aeolotropism.In the direction of (100) and (001) the dielectric function are decreased and the electron transition are increased by polarized .In the direction of (010) the dielectric function is increased by polarized.The results show that polarization is promoted the electron transition , is an effective means for regulating the electron transition , is provided a theoretical reference to the study of Ca2 Ge.

Key words: Ca2 Ge;electronic structure;dielectric function;polarized;first principles
