
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1649-1656.

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  1. 昆明理工大学化学工程学院,昆明,650500;昆明理工大学理学院,昆明,650500
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and Application of Zinc-Cerium Inorganic Antibacterial Materials

TANG Xiao-ning;GUO Yang-yang;GUO Yi-jing;ZHANG Bin;ZHU Rong-hui;LI Cun-jie   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 通过溶胶-凝胶法制备获得一种具有抗菌性能的锌-铈抗菌白炭黑.通过单因素试验分别探究了锌离子浓度、稀土铈离子浓度和反应时间对锌-铈抗菌白炭黑抑菌率的影响.从而得到了较佳制备条件,锌离子浓度是0.8 mol·L-1、稀土铈离子浓度是0.005 mol·L-1、反应时间是1.5 h.实验以大肠杆菌为菌种,采用涂布平板法进行抗菌实验.采用SEM、EDS、BET、FTIR和XRD检测手段对产品进行表征.结果表明,锌-铈抗菌白炭黑结构蓬松,平均粒径较小,为无定形态.锌-铈抗菌白炭黑的比表面积为载体白炭黑的两倍多,更有利于作为添加剂加入到制品中.锌和铈离子的加入,载体白炭黑的原本结构并没有发生改变.此外,本研究还将锌-铈抗菌白炭黑添加到陶瓷中,获得了具有抗菌性能的抗菌陶瓷.

关键词: 抗菌白炭黑;锌;铈;抗菌陶瓷

Abstract: A novel zinc-cerium antibacterial white carbon black was successfully synthesized via a sol -gel method and used as an excellent antibacterial material .The single factor experiment investigates the influence of zinc ions concentration , cerium ions concentration and reaction time on the sterilization rate of zinc-cerium antibacterial white carbon black .The optimum preparation conditions: concentration of zinc ions was 0.8 mol· L-1 , concentration of cerium ions was 0.005 mol· L-1 and reaction time was 1. 5 h.Detecting antibacterial property of products by antibacterial experiment ( spread plate method, strains with e.coli bacteria).The antibacterial material was characterised by SEM , EDS, BET, FTIR and XRD.The results show that the structure of the zinc -cerium antibacterial white carbon black are puffed and amorphous.The average particle size of antibacterial material is small .The specific surface area of zinc-cerium antibacterial white carbon black is larger twice than pure white carbon black , more advantageously added to the product as an additive .The loaded zinc ionsandcerium ions shows little influence on the structure of white carbon black .Further, the zinc-cerium antibacterial white carbon black is added to the ceramic as an antibacterial material , and antibacterial ceramics with antibacterial properties are prepared.

Key words: antibacterial white carbon black;zinc;cerium;antibacterial ceramic
