
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1637-1642.

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  1. 昆明理工大学环境科学与工程学院,昆明,650500
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress on Modified Chitosan Materials in Heavy Metal Waste-water Treatment

LI Ke-ke;DUAN Zheng-yang;YUN Lu;ZHOU Yang   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 被重金属污染的废水严重的危害了生态系统平衡及人类的健康.因此,对重金属废水的处理的研究变得十分急切.近年来,国内外学者对改性壳聚糖处理重金属废水研究十分关注,改性壳聚糖作为一种新型、高效、可回收且重复利用的吸附材料,在重金属废水的处理中效果十分显著.通过改善制备方法使其适用于在实际工业化,制备高度选择性、高吸附容量、高效的改性壳聚糖成为今后主要的研究热点.结合近几年国内外研究情况阐述了壳聚糖的物理及化学改性方法,系统介绍了壳聚糖及改性壳聚糖的性能及特点,重点介绍了化学改性方法中交联、接枝及复合改性的研究工作,壳聚糖及其改性在重金属废水处理中的应用,深入探索该材料的吸附机理和再生重复利用规律,以便得出能高度选择和高效吸附多种重金属离子的改性壳聚糖材料,实现真正"一对多"吸附方式.

关键词: 壳聚糖;改性;吸附;重金属

Abstract: Contaminated waste water by heavy metals endangers the ecosystem and human ' s health. Therefore, the research on the treatment of heavy metal waste -water has become urgent.In recent years, scholars at home and abroad pay great attention to the study of modified chitosan for treatment of heavy metal waste-water.The modified chitosan as a new, efficient, recyclable and reusable adsorption material is very effective in the treatment of heavy metal waste -water.By improving the preparation method and making it suitable for practical industrialization , the preparation of highly selective, high adsorption capacity and highly efficient modified chitosan will become the main researching focus in the future .The physical and chemical modification methods of chitosan were described based on the new research at home and abroad, the properties and characteristics of chitosan and modified chitosan were systematically introduced, the chemical modification methods of cross -linking, grafting and composite modification research work were particularly presented , and the application of chitosan and its modification in heavy metal waste-water treatment were also expounded .The adsorption mechanism and regeneration recycle rule of those materials have been deeply explored so we can conclude that the modification chitosan materials can be highly selected and highly efficient for adsorbing heavy metal ions , and have the "one-to-many"adsorption.

Key words: chitosan;modification;adsorption;heavy metal
