
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 378-387.DOI: 10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.2024.1061

• 道路材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


关宏信1, 郑天一1, 张海翔1, 杨飞2, 杨海荣1, 潘旺1, 李慧丽3   

  1. 1.长沙理工大学交通运输工程学院,长沙 410114;
    2.湖南省衡永高速公路建设开发有限公司,永州 425001;
    3.湖南省交通规划勘察设计院有限公司,长沙 410200
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-09 修订日期:2024-11-03 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 作者简介:关宏信(1974—),男,博士,教授。主要从事路面结构与材料方面的研究。E-mail:ghx_cs@csust.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Study on High Efficiency Particle Size Range of Biological Enzyme-Directed Action on Red Sandstone Soil

GUAN Hongxin1, ZHENG Tianyi1, ZHANG Haixiang1, YANG Fei2, YANG Hairong1, PAN Wang1, LI Huili3   

  1. 1. School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China;
    2. Hunan Hengyong Expressway Construction and Development Co., Ltd., Yongzhou 425001, China;
    3. Hunan Provincial Transportation Planning Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Changsha 410200, China
  • Received:2024-09-09 Revised:2024-11-03 Published:2025-01-15 Online:2025-01-23

摘要: 为了更高效地提升生物酶对红砂岩土的固化效果,本文优化了室内试验的制件过程,即将红砂岩土筛分出目标粒径范围,并将生物酶定向作用于目标粒径范围(P≤2.36、P2.36~4.75、P≥4.75)的红砂岩土体,对生物酶水泥复合固化红砂岩土试件进行了无侧限抗压强度、静态压缩弹性模量、劈裂强度和抗冲刷性能试验。此外,为进一步研究生物酶固化作用的影响因素,对粒径0.075 mm以下颗粒质量占粒径2.36 mm及以下颗粒总质量不同比例的土体开展了SEM表征,结果表明,粒径2.36 mm以下是生物酶水泥复合固化红砂岩的高效粒径范围,与常规掺入生物酶的制件工艺相比,生物酶定向作用于红砂岩土的高效粒径范围可以进一步提升试件的无侧限抗压强度、劈裂强度以及静态压缩弹性模量,并大幅降低冲刷引起的质量损失。微观试验结果表明,黏土物质含量会显著影响生物酶固化效果,且0.075 mm以下土体占比对土体表面形貌影响明显,建议将生物酶应用于固化红砂岩土时改进其施工工艺,使生物酶只用于粒径2.36 mm以下土体。

关键词: 生物酶, 红砂岩土, 底基层, 粒径范围, 施工工艺

Abstract: In order to enhance the solidification effect of biological enzymes on red sandstone soil more efficiently, the process of preparing test specimens was optimized in the laboratory, which involved screening the red sandstone soil into a target particle size range (P≤2.36, P2.36~4.75, P≥4.75), and directing the biological enzyme to act on the red sandstone soil in the target particle size range. Unconfined compressive strength, static compressive elastic modulus, splitting strength and erosion resistance tests were conducted on biological enzyme cement composite solidified red sandstone soil specimens. In addition, in order to further study the influencing factors of biological enzyme-directed action, SEM tests were carried out on different proportions of soil with particle size below 0.075 mm accounting for the total mass of particles with particle size below 2.36 mm and below. The test results show that a particle size below 2.36 mm is the highly efficient particle size range for biological enzyme cement composite solidified red sandstone soil. Compared with the conventional method of adding biological enzyme to the specimen, the highly efficient particle size of biological enzyme-directed action on red sandstone soil can further improve the unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength and static compression elastic modulus of the specimen, and significantly reduce the quality loss of erosion. The microscopic test results show that the content of clay material has a significant impact on the solidification effect of biological enzyme, and the proportion of particle size below 0.075 mm has a significant impact on the surface morphology of the soil. It is suggested that the biological enzyme be applied to solidify red sandstone soil by improving its construction technology, so that the biological enzyme is only used on soil particles below 2.36 mm.

Key words: biological enzyme, red sandstone soil, subbase layer, particle size range, construction technology
