
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 2928-2935.

• 玻璃 • 上一篇    下一篇


田英良, 袁智淳, 徐博, 穆广涵, 赵志永   

  1. 北京工业大学材料与制造学部,北京 100124
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-09 修订日期:2023-04-28 发布日期:2023-08-18
  • 通信作者: 袁智淳,硕士研究生。E-mail:yzc20010607@163.com
  • 作者简介:田英良(1969—),男,博士,教授。主要从事新型玻璃材料方面的研究。E-mail:tianyl@bjut.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Clarifying Agent on Melting Process of Heat-Resistant Glass from Waste TFT-LCD Glass

TIAN Yingliang, YUAN Zhichun, XU Bo, MU Guanghan, ZHAO Zhiyong   

  1. Faculty of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • Received:2023-04-09 Revised:2023-04-28 Published:2023-08-18

摘要: 基于废液晶玻璃原料设计了一种新型耐热硼硅玻璃,针对所制耐热玻璃澄清困难,导致玻璃气泡含量多的问题,借助玻璃配合料高温视像研究方法,研究了CeO2、NaCl、Na2SO4、SnO2四种澄清剂对耐热玻璃澄清质量的影响。实验通过高温视像系统对玻璃液澄清过程进行观测,结果表明:在1 600 ℃熔化温度下,NaCl和Na2SO4作为单一澄清剂的添加量分别为0.50%(质量分数)、0.20%(质量分数)时,达到最佳澄清效果;CeO2、SnO2分别与NaNO3复合作为复合澄清剂的添加量为0.40%(质量分数)CeO2+2.60%(质量分数)NaNO3、0.40%(质量分数)SnO2+2.40%(质量分数)NaNO3时,达到最佳澄清效果;玻璃熔体泡沫开始回落时间分别为22、10、20、28 min;开始回落温度分别为1 110、1 050、1 103、1 143 ℃;在最佳保温时长下,采用0.50%(质量分数)NaCl澄清效果最佳。

关键词: 废液晶玻璃, 新型耐热硼硅玻璃, 高温视像, 澄清剂, 气泡缺陷, 气泡排除

Abstract: A new type of heat-resistant borosilicate glass was designed based on waste TFT-LCD glass raw materials. Aiming at the difficulty in clarification of the heat-resistant glass, which leads to a large amount of bubbles in the glass, the effects of four clarifying agents: CeO2, NaCl, Na2SO4 and SnO2 on the clarification quality of the heat-resistant glass were studied by high temperature video research method of glass batch. The experiment observed the clarification process of glass melt through a high-temperature video system. The results show that at the melting temperature of 1 600 ℃, the best clarification effect is achieved when the addition amount of NaCl and Na2SO4 were added as a single clarifying agent at 0.50% (mass fraction) and 0.20% (mass fraction), respectively. The best clarification effect is achieved when the addition amount of clarifying agent combining CeO2 and SnO2 with NaNO3 is 0.40% (mass fraction) CeO2+2.60% (mass fraction) NaNO3 and 0.40% (mass fraction) SnO2+2.40% (mass fraction) NaNO3. The time for the glass melt foam to start falling back is 22, 10, 20 and 28 min, respectively. The initial falling temperatures are 1 110, 1 050, 1 103 and 1 143 ℃, respectively. Under the optimum holding time, the clarification effect is best with 0.50% (mass fraction) NaCl.

Key words: waste TFT-LCD glass, novel heat-resistant borosilicate glass, high temperature video, clarifying agent, bubble defect, bubble elimination
