
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 2083-2087.

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  1. 南昌大学建筑工程学院,南昌,330031
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18

Experimental Investigation on Influence of Cement Content on Concrete Performance

XIAO Wei;DING Cheng-ping;XIE Xu-jian   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 为探究水泥用量对混凝土性能的影响规律,在相同水胶比下,设计采用基准水泥用量为250 kg/m3,以50 kg/m3递增的5组不同水泥用量,对混凝土强度、变形性能、抗冻性及抗化学侵蚀性能的影响试验.研究表明:水胶比相同的情况下,混凝土抗冻性能、抗化学侵蚀性能先随水泥用量的增加而提高,但在水泥用量大于350 kg/m3后,反而有所下降;水泥用量在350 kg/m3左右时对混凝土强度、变形性能、抗冻性、抗化学侵蚀性能性价比最高.

关键词: 水泥用量;强度;抗冻性;体积变形;抗化学侵蚀

Abstract: To explore the regularity of cement content on concrete performance.Strength, deformability, frost resistance and anti-chemical erosion of concrete were analyzed systematically by experiments with using the same kinds of water binder ratio of a benchmark for the 250 kg/m3, an increase of 50 kg/m3 of 5 different cement content.The results show that under the condition of the same water cement ratio, the frost resistance and anti-chemical erosion of concrete increased with the increase of cement content, but it decreased slightly when the amount of cement content was more than 350 kg/m3; And it has the best performance-price ratio for the strength, deformability, frost resistance and anti-chemical erosion of concrete when cement contents reached around 350 kg/m3.

Key words: cement content;strength;frost resistance;volume deformation;anti-chemical erosion
