
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1995-2001.

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  1. 内蒙古大学交通学院,呼和浩特,010070
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Study on Cementing Material of Sand-based Permeable Concrete Pavement Brick

CAI Run-ze;MAN Du-la;CHEN Si-han   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 研究自主研制的胶结料不同掺量、水灰比、集料级配及灰集比对砂基透水混凝土路面砖强度、透水性的影响,并通过室内试验测试试件保水性、抗冻性、耐磨耗性、抗硫酸盐-干湿循环侵蚀.先将自主研制的胶结料Ⅰ与3种同类型胶结料通过胶砂试验比选.结果表明:胶结料Ⅰ(28 d)抗压强度59.2 MPa、抗折强度9.3 MPa,优于同类型胶结料;胶结料Ⅰ掺砂基透水混凝土路面砖最优掺量为水泥质量的5%,其强度为35.6 MPa,透水系数为3.5×10 -2 cm/s,并具有良好的保水性、抗冻性、耐磨耗性和抗硫酸盐-干湿循环侵蚀性能.

关键词: 透水砖;胶结料;强度;透水性;耐久性

Abstract: The influences of self-developed admixture with different contents, water-cement ratio, aggregate gradation and ash-aggregate ratio on the strength and water permeability of sand-based permeable concrete pavement bricks were studied, and test the water retention, frost resistance, wear resistance, resistance to sulfate attack and dry-wet cycles performance of the specimen through the indoor test.Firstly, compare the self-developed admixture Ⅰ with three kinds of admixtures of the same type through the mortar test and choose the best.The results show that the admixture Ⅰ ( 28 d ) has compressive strength of 59.2 MPa and bending strength of 9.3 MPa, which is better than the same type of admixture; the optimal amount of admixture Ⅰ with sand-based permeable concrete pavement is 5% of cement mass.The strength is 35.6 MPa, the water permeability coefficient is 3.5×10 -2cm/s, and it has good water retention, frost resistance, wear resistance and resistance to sulfate attack and dry-wet cycles.

Key words: permeable brick;admixture;strength;water permeability;durability
