
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1970-1973.

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  1. 攀枝花学院钒钛学院,攀枝花,617000
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18

Experimental Study about Preparation of Sintered Square Brick by Using Vanadium Tailings

LI Liang   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以提钒尾渣为主要原料,采用半干法成型方法制备烧结广场砖,通过添加广西白泥、硅铁灰、粉煤灰和A12O3粉可以优化提钒尾渣烧结广场砖的物理指标,提高烧结广场砖的性能.通过条件试验较系统研究了广西白泥配入量、粉煤灰、硅铁灰和A12O3粉配入量对烧结广场砖常温耐压强度和吸水率的影响.条件试验表明:广西白泥配入量为20%左右较适宜、硅铁灰配入量控制在5%以内较适宜、粉煤灰配入量控制在6%以内较适宜、Al2O3粉添加量控制在8%以内较适宜.制得提钒尾渣广场砖的常温耐压强度达到28 MPa以上,吸水率可以降低到10%左右.

关键词: 提钒尾渣;烧结;广场砖

Abstract: The sintered square brick was prepared by the semi dry forming method using the vanadium tailing slag as the main raw material.The physical index of sintered square brick with vanadium tailings can be optimized, and the properties of brick can be improved by adding Guangxi white mud, ferrosilicon ash, fly ash and A12O3 powder.By means of the condition test, the influence of the proportioning of white mud in Guangxi, fly ash, silicon iron ash and Al2O3 powder on the compressive strength and water absorption of the sintered wide-field brick is studied at room temperature.The conditional test shows that the allocation of Guangxi white mud is about 20%, and the amount of ferrosilicon ash control is less than 5%.It is more suitable to control the amount of fly ash in 6%, and the amount of Al2O3 powder is less than 6%.The brick's compressive strength is above 28 MPa and the water absorption can be reduced to about 10%at room temperature.

Key words: vanadium tailings;sintering;sintered square brick
