
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1951-1959.

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  1. 阜阳师范学院信息工程学院,阜阳 236041;长安大学特殊地区公路工程教育部重点实验室,西安 710064;长安大学特殊地区公路工程教育部重点实验室,西安,710064
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Evaluation Standard for Anti-rutting Performance of Asphalt Pavement Based on Cylindrical Core Sample

ZHANG Ke;ZHANG Zheng-qi;LUO Yao-fei   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 为评价沥青路面的现场抗车辙性能是否合格,需要建立沥青路面现场抗车辙性能评价标准.首先,在实验室内成型板式试件和旋转压实试件进行车辙试验,建立两类试件动稳定度的换算公式.其次,在路面施工现场取料成型板式试件,并在相应位置钻取圆柱形芯样开展车辙试验,修正两类试件动稳定度的换算公式.再次,通过不同厚度芯样试件的车辙试验对换算公式进行厚度修正.最后,结合中国现有规范对板式试件动稳定度的技术要求,建立基于圆柱形芯样的沥青路面抗车辙性能评价标准.研究表明:改性沥青路面芯样的厚度为4 cm、5 cm、6 cm时,70 ℃的动稳定度应不小于2800 次/mm、2400 次/mm、2250 次/mm;基质沥青路面芯样的厚度为5 cm、6 cm时, 60 ℃的动稳定度应不小于3450 次/mm、3200 次/mm.

关键词: 沥青路面;圆柱形芯样;抗车辙性能;现场;评价标准

Abstract: To evaluate the anti-rutting performance of asphalt pavement, it is necessary to set up the evaluation standard of rutting resistance for asphalt pavement.Firstly, the rutting tests based on plate specimen and Superpave Gyratory Compactor ( SGC) specimen were carried out, and the conversion formula of dynamic stability of two kind specimens was established.Secondly, the asphalt mixture was taken from construction site to shape plate specimen, and the cylindrical core sample in the corresponding position were also drilled.The dynamic stability of two kind specimens was used to modify the conversion formula.Again, the rutting test results of core samples with different thickness were selected to complete the thickness correction for conversion formula.Finally, combined with the dynamic stability technical requirements of asphalt mixture in current specifications, the anti-rutting performance evaluation standard of asphalt pavement based on core samples was established.The results show that when the thickness of modified asphalt pavement core sample is 4 cm, 5 cm or 6 cm, the dynamic stability should not be less than 2800 time/mm, 2400 time/mm and 2250 time/mm at 70 ℃ respectively. For raw asphalt pavement, the dynamic stability at 60 ℃ should not be less than 3450 time/mm and 3200 time/mm respectively when the thickness of core sample is 5 cm or 6 cm.

Key words: asphalt pavement;cylindrical core sample;anti-rutting performance;site;evaluation standard
