
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1903-1907.

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  1. 安徽建筑大学土木工程学院,合肥,230601
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Meso-dynamic Damage of EPS Concrete under Shock Loading

HU Jun;REN Jian-wei;WU De-yi   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 在冲击动力学试验基础上,利用weibull分布建立随机分布的不同EPS颗粒含量的EPS混凝土模型,通过显式有限元分析软件模拟了该材料在冲击荷载下的动态冲击响应.从EPS颗粒含量、EPS颗粒-水泥基质界面、损伤度和损伤率等方面研究了EPS混凝土的动力学特性及不同颗粒含量EPS混凝土之间的差异.研究结果表明:伴随着EPS颗粒含量和EPS颗粒界面的增加,可极大地改善材料的整体变形能力,使得材料的失效类型从准脆性破坏阶段向延性破坏阶段和挤压流动破坏阶段过渡;材料失效时的终止应变可提高数倍;损伤度显著增加;材料的损伤率峰值时间缩短至一半,且损伤率峰值随EPS含量增加而呈"驼峰"状分布.

关键词: EPS混凝土;随机分布;冲击荷载;细观动力学;损伤分析

Abstract: It simulated the dynamic responses of EPS concrete models in impact loading that resembled with diverse proportions of EPS beads by FEM software based on random distribution of weibull in foundation of dynamical shocking experiments.According to the aspects of proportion of EPS beads, interfaces between EPS particle and cement, degree of damage and fracture rate, the diversities of failure situation and the dynamic properties of EPS concrete with EPS beads proportions were demonstrated.The study results showed that the deformation's capacities were improved overall, which made the failure styles evolved from quasi-brittleness to ductility and extrusion flow damage; and the values of damage degree magnified while the ultimate values of strain could be enhanced by several times; and the time of summit value for fracture rates was decreased by half-times and the curve of fracture rates was like hump with the increases of EPS beads proportion and the summation of interfaces between EPS beads and cement.

Key words: EPS concrete;random distribution;shock loading;meso-dynamics;damage estimation
