
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1625-1631.

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  1. 昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院,昆明,650093
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Research Status and Development of Hexavalent Chromium Inhibitors in Cement

WANG De-dong;WANG Sheng-min;ZHAO Xiao-jun   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 水泥是国民经济建设的重要物资,我国的水泥产业在近些年来获得了飞速发展,水泥的产量和出口量一直高居世界首位.然而,水泥行业存在生产技术低下、产品品质不高等问题,尤其是水泥中水溶性六价铬的含量超标严重,不仅影响操作工人的身体健康,而且阻碍了我国水泥产品的对外出口.针对水泥中六价铬造成的污染及危害,研究者和工程师们开展了大量的研究工作,世界各国均制订实施了严格的标准或技术准则,但目前水泥中六价铬的超标仍威胁着水泥及制品的产品安全.鉴于此,从水泥中六价铬的来源、危害、行业监管、控制措施、还原剂的现状等多方面加以评析;并根据目前不同类别六价铬还原剂的作用原理和应用特征,探讨了水泥中六价铬还原剂的发展思路,以期促进绿色水泥产业的发展.

关键词: 水泥;六价铬;抑制剂;硫酸亚锡;硫酸亚铁

Abstract: Cement is an important material for national economic construction .China's cement industry has been rapid developed in recent years , the cement output and export volume has been ranked first in the world.But the cement industry also has the problems of low production technology and low quality . Especially, the hexavalent chromium content exceeds standard seriously , this not only affects the health of the operating workers, but also blocks the pace of China 's cement products going out .Aiming to solve the pollution and harm caused by the hexavalent chromium in cement , all countries in the world have formulated strict standards.At present, however, the hexavalent chromium in cement still threatens the cement and its products safety.In view of this, the harm and control status of hexavalent chromium in cement are described and analyzed from the harm of hexavalent chromium , the industry regulation of hexavalent chromium, the sources of hexavalent chromium , the control measures of hexavalent chromium and the status of the reducing agent in cement .Based on the function principle and application characteristics of different hexavalent chromium reducing agents , the development idea of hexavalent chromium reducing agent in cement is discussed to promote the green cement industry development .

Key words: cement;hexavalent chromium;inhibitor;SnSO4;FeSO4
