
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1492-1496.

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  1. 浙江大学海洋学院,舟山,316021
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18

Preparation and Characterization of Talc/Nano-Cu Conductive Composite Powder

HAN Wei;GE Liu-qin;XIA Mei-sheng;YE Ying   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 采用液相还原法在壳聚糖醋酸溶液中以滑石粉为基底,利用保险粉还原硫酸铜制备了滑石粉/纳米铜复合粉体.分别采用XRD分析、FT-IR分析、TG分析、SEM分析以及压片电阻分析对滑石粉覆铜前后的理化性质、表面形貌以及电学性能进行表征.结果表明,在滑石粉表面成功还原出铜单质,并且纯度高,结晶性好;壳聚糖基团的吸收峰出现在复合粉体的红外光谱中,并且推断Cu2+被壳聚糖吸附的机理是其与-NH2和-OH 中的N原子和O原子分离出的孤对电子发生键合反应,提高了Cu的分散性;复合粉体的热失重曲线接近壳聚糖的热失重曲线,在350℃时失重最快,佐证了复合粉体中壳聚糖稳定剂的存在;复合粉体表面的纳米铜呈现花团状结构,纳米铜颗粒粒径低于100 nm,包覆效果良好;复合粉体具有良好的导电性,符合导电粉体的性能要求.

关键词: 滑石;壳聚糖;纳米铜;导电粉体

Abstract: The talc/nano-Cu composite powder was prepared by using liquid phase reduction method in the chitosan acetic acid solution with talc as base.The physical and chemical properties, surface morphology and electrical performance of the composite powder were characterized by XRD,FT-IR,TG, SEM analysis and compression resistance test.The results show that the copper powder,with high purity and crystallinity,is successfully obtained on the surface of talcum powder.The absorption peak of the chitosan group is presented in the FT-IR spectrum of the composite powder, and it is deduced that the isolated electron pair from the N and O atoms of-NH2and-OH of chitosan bonded with Cu 2+,a way to improve the dispersion of Cu.The fastest weight loss on the TG curve of the composite powder is observed at 350 ℃,which is similar to that of chitosan and thus verifying the presence of chitosan stabilizer in the powder;the talcum powder is well-coated by flower-like nano-copper powders with particle size smaller than 100 nm; the composite powder exhibited a good conductivity that reached the requirement for conductive powder.

Key words: Talc;chitosan;nano-copper;conductive powder
