
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1430-1434.

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  1. 河南省信息统计职业学院,河南 450008;郑州大学材料科学与工程学院,河南 450001;郑州大学材料科学与工程学院,河南,450001
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Preparation of Fly Ash Architectural Ceramics by Hot Pressing Sintering Method

ZHANG Fan;HAN Feng-qi;LI Wen;FAN Bing-bing   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以固体废弃物粉煤灰为主要原料,通过对原料进行预烧处理工艺得到活化粉煤灰粉体,分别在850 ℃、875℃、900 ℃、925 ℃、950 ℃度进行真空热压烧结,制备粉煤灰建筑陶瓷复合材料.利用XRD对复合材料的物相组成进行分析、采用SEM分析样品的微观结构,结合烧成样品的吸水率、体积密度、硬度等,分析不同的烧结温度对陶瓷性能的影响.结果表明:真空热压烧结过程中,随着温度升高,样品低共熔相增多,致密化程度增加.当烧结温度达到925℃时,所得复合陶瓷材料晶粒分布均匀、细小,晶粒尺寸为0.4~0.5 μm;陶瓷样品的体积密度、吸水率、硬度分别为2.62 g/cm3、0.05%、6.5 GPa.

关键词: 粉煤灰陶瓷;真空烧结;致密化

Abstract: Fly ash architectural ceramic composites were prepared by vacuum hot-pressing sintering method with the solid waste fly ash as raw materials.The sintering temperature was 850 ℃,875℃,900℃,925 ℃and 950 ℃,respectively.In order to analyze the effects of different sintering temperatures on the properties of the ceramics,XRD and SEM techniques were used to determine the phase composition and microstructure of the samples.Water absorption,bulk density and hardness of the samples were also measured.The results show that, in the sintering process, the eutectic liquid phase increased as the sintered temperature increased, and the density increased furtherly.When the sintering temperature is 925 ℃,the crystal grain of the obtained ceramics is small with uniform distribution and the average size is 0.4-0.5 μm.The bulk density, water absorption and hardness are 2.62 g/cm3, 0.05% and 6.5 GPa,respectively.

Key words: fly ash ceramic;vacuum hot sintering;densification
