
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1393-1398.

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  1. 山东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,淄博,255000;淄博新空间陶瓷有限公司,淄博,255190;山东理工大学化学工程学院,淄博,255000
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Preparation of Light-weight High-strength Thermal Insulation and Decoration Integration Building Materials Using Red Mud as Raw Materials

WANG Qing-tao;LI Sen;YU Hua-qin;LI Feng-zhi;QIAO Hai-bo;XU Hui-jun;LIU Jun-cheng;DU Qing-yang   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 利用赤泥为主要原料,添加建筑垃圾、抛光砖废料和粘土制备轻质高强保温装饰一体化建筑材料.通过改变赤泥用量、烧结温度、发泡剂添加量等条件,对样品体积密度、孔隙率、抗压强度进行了研究.利用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)对样品物相组成和形貌进行表征.研究结果表明:赤泥用量为35%,发泡剂添加量为5%,烧结温度为1100℃时,制备样品的气孔分布均匀,孔径大小较一致,体积密度为0.26 g/cm3,孔隙率为73.28%,闭气孔率达到90.52%,抗压强度为7.83 MPa.

关键词: 赤泥;建筑材料;保温装饰一体化;气孔率;抗压强度

Abstract: The light-weight high-strength thermal insulation and decoration integration building materials was prepared using red mud, construction waste, tile ceramic waste and kaolin as raw materials.The effect of addition of red mud, blowing agent and sintering temperature on the bulk density, porosity, compressive strength of samples were studied.The phase composition and morphology of samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The experimental results show that when the amount of red mud is 35%, blowing agent is 5%, sintering temperature is 1100 ℃, the samples is foamed uniformly and uniform in size, the bulk density is 0.26 g/cm3, the porosity is 73.28%,the closed porosity reached 90.52%,and the compressive strength is 7.83 MPa.

Key words: red mud;building materials;thermal insulation and decoration integration;porosity;compressive strength
