
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1382-1386.

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  1. 中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院,北京,100083
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Immobilization of Heavy Metal Pb2+Using Fly Ash Based Geopolymer

LIU Ze;LI Li;ZHANG Yuan;WANG Dong-min   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以循环流化床超细粉煤灰(CFA)为原材料,在碱激发条件下制备地质聚合物固化重金属Pb2+.研究了离子的加入对固化体强度的影响,并通过浸出实验、SEM-EDS、XRD、FT-IR等表征手段探究了固化效果和固化机理.Pb2+以Pb(NO3)2的形式加入,掺量分别为1.5wt%、2.0wt%、2.5wt%(均以Pb(NO3)2占CFA的质量百分含量表示).研究证明,CFA基地质聚合物和Pb2+具有良好的相容性,Pb2+的固化率达到了90%以上.

关键词: 地质聚合物;循环流化床粉煤灰;固化;铅离子

Abstract: The immobilization of heavy metals Pb 2+in circulating fluidize bed fly ash(CFA)based geopolymer was studied.It was firstly studied the effect of heavy metals on the strength of CFA based geopolymers,then the degree and mechanism of the immobilization via leaching test,SEM-EDS,XRD,and FT-IR.Pb2+was added in the form of Pb(NO3)2with amount of 1.5wt%,2.0wt%,and 2.5wt%(weight percent of CFA).The experiments prove that CFA based geopolymer exhibited good compatibility and immobilization with Pb 2+,and the immobilized ratio of Pb2+is higher than 90%.

Key words: geopolymer;circulating fluidized bed fly ash;immobilization;Pb2+
