
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1288-1293.

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  1. 江苏大学,材料科学与工程学院,镇江 212013;盐城工学院,江苏省新型环保重点实验室,盐城 224051
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Study on Preparation of C3S2New Type Cement Clinker from Industrial Raw Materials

CHEN Jia-nan;ZHANG Hong-wei;CHEN Si-jia;CUI En-tian;ZHANG Qin-fang;HOU Gui-hua   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以节能、减排为目标,用工业原料烧成了一种以C3S2(3CaO· 2SiO2)为主、C2S(2CaO· SiO2)为辅新型水泥熟料,研究了它的适宜组成范围,分析了熟料矿物的形成过程.结果表明了该熟料矿物的适宜组成范围为53%~55%CaO,38%~41%SiO2,4%~9%Al2O3,烧成温度范围为1260~1320 ℃.熟料呈粉状,其比表面积为243.3 m2/kg,平均粒径为31.26 μm.经CO2碳化3 d其抗折和抗压强度分别为7.6和48.5 MPa,分析指出了该水泥节能减排特点显著.

关键词: 低钙水泥;低碳材料;碳化

Abstract: In order to save energy and reduce emission,a new type of cement clinker with C 3S2(3CaO· 2SiO2)as main component and C2S(2CaO· SiO2)as auxiliary component was produced with industrial raw materials.The suitable composition of clinker was optimized, and the formation process of clinker mineral was analyzed.The results shows that the suitable composition range of the clinker mineral is 53%-55%CaO,38%-41%SiO2,4%-9%Al2O3, and the optimum temperature range of the calcination process is 1260 ℃to 1320 ℃.The clinker presents a powder form,its specific surface area is 243.3 m2/kg and the average particle size is 31.26 μm.The rupture strength and compressive strength of clinker through 3 d of carbonization process with CO 2are 7.6 and 48.5 MPa,respectively.Analysis shows that the cement has remarkable energy-saving and emission reduction characteristics.

Key words: low calcium cement;low-carbon material;carbonization
