
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1282-1287.

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  1. 沈阳建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,沈阳,110168
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Study on Microencapsulated Self-repairing Concrete

DAI Min;WANG Yang;ZHANG Jing-juan   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 为了解决混凝土开裂提高建筑物的使用寿命以及耐久性能,本文以脲醛树脂作为微胶囊囊壁、环氧树脂E-44作为微胶囊囊芯,采用原位复合法分两步合成微胶囊.本实验探究通过控制囊芯与囊壁质量比为3:10、尿素和甲醛的摩尔比为4:1、温度85 ℃、搅拌时间为3 h等因素,配制出结构完整致密的微胶囊.双掺固化剂和微胶囊制备不同微胶囊掺量的自修复砂浆,探究固化剂和微胶囊掺量对自修复砂浆强度的影响,并对自修复砂浆试件施加不同比例的预压力和空白试验做对照以探究自修复砂浆强度的影响因素以及修复率高低.研究表明,当微胶囊掺量为6%、预压力为50%时自修复砂浆的修复率最高.

关键词: 自修复;微胶囊;裂缝修复

Abstract: In order to solve concrete cracking and improve the service life of buildings and durable performance.As used herein,we used urea-formaldehyde resin as microcapsule wall, epoxy resin E-44 asmicrocapsules capsule core, we take in-situ synthesized method advid two step to synthesismicrocapsules.This experiment explored by controlling the balance of the mass ratio between the wall and the core keep up with 3:10,the molar ratio of urea and formaldehyde is 4:1,temperature 85℃,stirring time was 3 h and someoters factors,to preparation a structure compact intact microcapsules. double mixed with a curing agent and microcapsules prepared different microcapsules dosage self-repairing mortar content,to explore the dosage of curing agent and microcapsule's impact on self-repair mortar strength,and applying a pre-pressure to self-repairingmortar in different proportions and control with the blank to explore factors of self-repairingmortar content strength and repair rate.The results show that when the microcapsule content is 6%,pre-pressure is 50% self-repairing mortar had highest repair rate.

Key words: self-repairing;microcapsule;crack repaire
