
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1270-1276.

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王衍行;许晓典;张 超;祖成奎   

  1. 中国建筑材料科学研究总院,特种玻璃制备与加工重点实验室,北京 100024
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18

Study on Special Glass Tube for Rubidium Atomic Clock

WANG Yan-hang;XU Xiao-dian;ZHANG Chao;ZU Cheng-kui   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 铷钟是全球导航系统装备最早、数量最多的原子钟,被视为导航定位系统的"心脏".作为铷钟的关键基础材料,玻璃泡壳性能极大决定铷钟的计时精度和服役寿命.铷钟主要由光谱灯、滤光灯和吸收灯等构成,其中光谱灯泡由耐碱玻璃管灯焰制成,而滤光泡和吸收泡则由耐热玻璃加工而成.作者总结了铷钟用特种玻璃管的国内外研究进展,指出了国产玻璃管存在内在质量差、尺寸精度低、料性短和抗辐照能力弱等问题.最后,展望了铷钟用特种玻璃管的发展趋势.

关键词: 耐碱玻璃;耐热玻璃;特种玻璃管;铷钟

Abstract: Rubidium atomic clock has been the earliest application and the largest number of atomic clock in the global navigation system due to its key time giving.Timing precision and service life of rubidium atomic clock greatly depend on the properties of its bulb materials.In general,rubidium atomic clock is composed of spectral lamp,filter lamp,absorption lamp and so on.Spectral lamp bulb is made by alkali resistant glass tube.However, filter and absorption lamp bulbs are prepared by thermal resistant glass tubes.Progress of special glass tubes for rubidium atomic clock at home and abroad was reviewed. Compared with foreign special glass tubes,domestic relative products have low inner quality,dimensional accuracy, workability and radiation resistance.In addition, the prospect of special glass tubes for rubidium atomic clock was outlined.

Key words: alkali resistant glass;thermal resistant glass;special glass tube;rubidium atomic clock
