
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 1125-1131.

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  1. 兰州交通大学甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室,兰州,730070;兰州交通大学甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室,兰州 730070;兰州交通大学道桥工程灾害防治技术国家地方联合工程实验室,兰州 730070
  • 出版日期:2018-04-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Concrete Resistance to Sulfate Erosion under Full Immersion

XIE Zhi-gang;WANG Qi-cai;DAI Jin-peng;WANG Zhen-yu;TIAN Xiang-fu;BO Shi-wei   

  • Online:2018-04-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 研究了不同水胶比混凝土试件在(20 ±2)℃全浸泡作用下的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能.试验制作了0.32与0.36两种水胶比的普通硅酸盐水泥、中抗硫水泥以及矿粉-硅灰复掺的混凝土试件,试件标养28 d后,测定了各试件在(20 ±2)℃的3%Na2SO4溶液中全浸泡侵蚀的抗压侵蚀系数、相对动弹性模量,并且测定了侵蚀240 d后混凝土的含气量和连通孔隙率,对混凝土在(20 ±2)℃下的抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能进行了评价.结果表明:在(20 ±2)℃全浸泡作用下,(1)混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能E>A>B,中抗硫水泥主要通过限制C3A的含量,进而改善混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能,不一定在任何环境下都适用;(2)0.36水胶比混凝土抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能低于0.32水胶比混凝土,抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能随着水胶比的降低而提高;(3)低水胶比混凝土复掺矿粉-硅灰后抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能得到显著的提高;(4)混凝土抗压侵蚀系数和相对动弹性模量高度相关,侵蚀240 d后,不同配比混凝土的含气量与连通孔隙率趋势极为接近,相关系数为0.93,因此可以合理选择试验评价指标,减少原材料浪费和试验工作量.

关键词: 硫酸盐侵蚀;抗压侵蚀系数;相对动弹性模量;含气量;连通孔隙率;相关性

Abstract: The effects of different water-cement ratio cement mortar on the sulfate resistance under full immersion were studied.Ordinary Portland cement, medium sulfur-resistant cement and slag with silica fume cement concrete samples were prepared with water-cement ratio of 0.32 and 0.36.After standard curing for 28 d, the compressive erosion coefficient and relative elastic modulus of the specimen were measured in the 3%Na2SO4solution at(20 ±2)℃, the concrete air content and connected porosity measured after 240 d erosion,and the resistance to sulfate attack of concrete was evaluated at(20 ±2)℃.The results show that,under the effect of(20 ±2)℃full immersion,(1)the resistance to sulfate attack of concrete is E>A>B,and the medium sulfur-resistant cement mainly limit the content of C 3A to improve the resistance to sulfate attack of concrete, which may not work in any environment;(2)The corrosion resistance of 0.36 water-cement ratio is lower than that of 0.32 water-cement ratio, and the resistance to sulfate attack increases with the decrease of water-cement ratio;(3)Low water-cement ratio concrete mixed with mineral powder-silica fume after full immersion conditions to enhance the resistance of sulfate erosion significantly;(4)The resistance coefficient of concrete and its relative elastic modulus is highly correlated.After 240 d of erosion, the air content and connected porosity of the different mix ratio concrete are very close to each other,and the correlation coefficient is 0.93, so it is reasonable to choose test evaluation index,reducing the waste of raw materials and testing work.

Key words: sulfate attack;resistance coefficient;relative elastic modulus;air content;connected porosity;correlation
