
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 231-242.DOI: 10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.2024.0915

• 资源综合利用 • 上一篇    下一篇


罗国仪1, 徐桂弘2, 任旭2, 邓文波3, 陈孜伟2, 刘次啟4   

  1. 1.贵州大学土木工程学院,贵阳 550025;
    2.贵州理工学院土木工程学院,贵阳 550003;
    3.重庆市轨道交通(集团)有限公司,重庆 401120;
    4.贵州省建材产品质量检验检测院,贵阳 550014
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-05 修订日期:2024-10-23 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 通信作者: 徐桂弘,博士,教授。E-mail:enjoymentanne@163.com
  • 作者简介:罗国仪(1997—),男,硕士研究生。主要从事磷石膏充填再岩化关键技术的研究。E-mail:lgyluoguoyi@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Phosphogypsum on Carbonation and Seepage Resistance of Basalt Fiber Concrete

LUO Guoyi1, XU Guihong2, REN Xu2, DENG Wenbo3, CHEN Ziwei2, LIU Ciqi4   

  1. 1. College of Civil Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;
    2. School of Civil Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang 550003, China;
    3. Chongqing Rail Transit (Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing 401120, China;
    4. Guizhou Building Materials Product Quality Inspection and Testing Institute, Guiyang 550014, China
  • Received:2024-08-05 Revised:2024-10-23 Published:2025-01-15 Online:2025-01-23

摘要: 将磷石膏作为水泥基充填材料替代胶凝材料,是一种有效的综合利用方式。目前对磷石膏掺入混凝土后的内部孔隙分布特征和碳化、抗渗等易导致结构失效的性能缺乏系统的研究。本文制备了6组不同磷石膏掺量的玄武岩纤维混凝土试件,并对其进行碳化和抗渗试验,结合XRD、SEM和比表面积及孔径分析研究了不同磷石膏掺量对玄武岩纤维混凝土碳化及抗渗性能的影响。结果表明,随着磷石膏掺量和碳化龄期的增加,玄武岩纤维混凝土的碳化深度增加,并且磷石膏掺量、碳化龄期和碳化深度三者之间存在函数关系。玄武岩纤维混凝土渗水高度随磷石膏掺量的增加呈先增长后下降的趋势。通过微观结构分析发现,随着磷石膏掺量的增加,玄武岩纤维混凝土比表面积及不同孔径的孔体积增长,钙钒石(AFt)生成量上升。总孔体积的增长导致早期碳化速率提高、渗水高度增长。AFt具有微膨胀性,与水化硅酸钙(C-S-H)凝胶的共同作用填充了部分孔隙通道,这不仅使玄武岩纤维混凝土后期碳化速率下降,在磷石膏掺量超过6%(质量分数)后渗水高度也出现下降,还使磷石膏掺量为15%(质量分数)的玄武岩纤维混凝土比表面积和不同孔径的孔体积下降。研究成果为进一步丰富和完善磷石膏资源利用技术提供了可参考的资料。

关键词: 磷石膏, 玄武岩纤维混凝土, 碳化, 抗渗性能, 微观机理, 比表面积分析, 孔径分析

Abstract: The use of phosphogypsum as a cement-based filling material to replace cementitious materials is an effective comprehensive utilization. At present, there is a lack of systematic research on the internal pore distribution characteristics and the properties of carbonation and seepage resistance of phosphogypsum incorporated into concrete, which can easily lead to structural failure. In this paper, six groups of basalt fiber concrete specimens with different proportions of phosphogypsum content were prepared and tested for carbonation and seepage resistance, and the effect of different phosphogypsum content on the carbonation and seepage resistance of basalt fiber concrete was investigated by combining with XRD, SEM, and specific surface area and pore size analysis. The results show that the carbonation depth of basalt fiber concrete increases with the increase of phosphogypsum content and carbonation age, and there is a functional relationship between phosphogypsum content, carbonation age and carbonation depth. The water penetration height of basalt fiber concrete shows a trend of increasing first and then decreasing with the increase of phosphogypsum content. The microstructural analysis reveals that with the increase of phosphogypsum content, the specific surface area of basalt fiber concrete and pore volume of different pore sizes increase, and the amount of ettringite (AFt) increases. The increase of total pore volume leads to the increase of carbonation rate and water penetration height growth in the early stage. AFt has micro-expansion property, and the joint action of AFt and C-S-H gel to fill up some of the pore channels, which not only lead to the decrease of carbonation rate in the late stage of basalt fiber concrete, and the decrease of water penetration height in the phosphogypsum content more than 6% (mass fraction), but also lead to the decrease of specific surface area and pore volume of different pore sizes of basalt fiber concrete with 15% (mass fraction) phosphogypsum. The research results provide reference information for further enrichment and improvement of phosphogypsum resource utilization technology.

Key words: phosphogypsum, basalt fiber concrete, carbonation, seepage resistance, micromechanism, specific surface area analysis, pore size analysis
