
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 312-320.DOI: 10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.2024.0821

• 陶瓷 • 上一篇    下一篇


施佩1, 陈乐1, 贾伟明1, 甄刚2, 马涛1,2, 张鑫3, 王芬1, 朱建锋1, 张彪1   

  1. 1.陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院,地下文物保护材料与技术教育部重点实验室,西安 710021;
    2.陕西省文物保护研究院,西安 710075;
    3.乾陵博物馆,咸阳 713300
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-15 修订日期:2024-09-03 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 通信作者: 张 彪,讲师。E-mail:zhangbiao@sust.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:施 佩(1990—),女,副教授。主要从事硅酸盐质文物保护方面的研究。E-mail:shipei7121@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Durability Evaluation and Application Scenario Analysis of Sealing Materials for Qianling Green Glaze Tang Tri-Color

SHI Pei1, CHEN Le1, JIA Weiming1, ZHEN Gang2, MA Tao1,2, ZHANG Xin3, WANG Fen1, ZHU Jianfeng1, ZHANG Biao1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Underground Cultural Relics Conservation Materials and Technology, Ministry of Education, School of Material Science and Engineering, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710021, China;
    2. Shaanxi Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Xi’an 710075, China;
    3. Qianling Museum, Xianyang 713300, China
  • Received:2024-07-15 Revised:2024-09-03 Published:2025-01-15 Online:2025-01-23

摘要: 本研究分别以10%(质量分数)的丙烯酸树脂(Paraloid B67、Paraloid B72)、氟碳树脂(FEVE)和有机硅材料(WD-10)对乾陵绿釉唐三彩复仿制品的釉面进行封护,采用色度仪、视频光学接触角测试仪、紫外-可见分光光度计、红外光谱仪、超景深显微镜对不同封护材料釉面的色差、疏水性、抗紫外老化、耐盐雾老化、耐酸腐蚀等性能进行对比研究,并对其应用场景进行分析。结果表明,Paraloid B67在紫外老化初期表现出良好的色差和疏水性,但随着紫外老化时间的延长,其性能显著降低,且在耐酸腐蚀和耐盐雾老化方面表现一般,适用于气候潮湿环境下的室内釉陶文物封护。Paraloid B72在抗紫外老化性能上与Paraloid B67相近,但其耐酸腐蚀和耐盐雾老化性能最优,适用于复杂环境下的室内釉陶文物封护。FEVE耐酸腐蚀和耐盐雾老化方面表现不佳,但在紫外老化前后的色差和疏水性变化幅度最小,抗紫外老化性能最优,适用于气候环境较为稳定地区的户外釉陶文物封护。WD-10在复仿制品的釉面难以成膜,不适用于釉陶文物封护。

关键词: 乾陵绿釉唐三彩, 封护, 丙烯酸树脂, 有机硅材料, 氟碳树脂, 抗紫外老化性能

Abstract: In this study, 10% (mass fraction) acrylic resin (Paraloid B67, Paraloid B72), fluorocarbon resin (FEVE) and silicone material (WD-10) were used to seal the glaze surface of Qianling green glaze Tang tri-color replica. The color difference, hydrophobicity, ultraviolet (UV) aging resistance, salt spray aging resistance and acid corrosion resistance of different sealing materials were compared and studied by chromaticity meter, video optical contact angle tester, ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, infrared spectrometer and super depth of field microscope, and their application scenarios were analyzed. The results show that Paraloid B67 exhibits good color difference and hydrophobicity in the early stage of UV aging, but its performance decreases significantly with the extension of UV aging time, and its acid corrosion resistance and salt spray aging resistance are general, which is suitable for the sealing of indoor glazed pottery cultural relics in humid climate. Paraloid B72 is similar to Paraloid B67 in UV aging performance, but its acid corrosion resistance and salt spray aging resistance are the best, which is suitable for indoor glazed pottery cultural relics protection in complex environments. FEVE performs poorly in acid corrosion resistance and salt spray aging resistance, but the color difference and hydrophobicity change range before and after ultraviolet aging are the smallest, and the anti-ultraviolet aging performance is the best, which is suitable for outdoor glazed pottery cultural relics in areas with stable climate and environment. WD-10 is difficult to form a film on the glaze surface of the replica, which is not suitable for the sealing of glazed pottery relics.

Key words: Qianling green glaze Tang tri-color, seal, acrylic resin, silicone material, fluorocarbon resin, anti-ultraviolet aging performance
