
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 332-342.DOI: 10.16552/j.cnki.issn1001-1625.2024.0772

• 耐火材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


张玮义1, 罗健林1, 吴大刚2, 王春增3, 商怀帅1, 刘芷均1   

  1. 1.青岛理工大学,土木工程学院,海洋环境混凝土技术教育部工程技术研究中心,青岛 266520;
    2.青岛中汽新能源投资有限公司,青岛 266519;
    3.青岛市房地产事业发展中心,青岛 266210
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-05 修订日期:2024-09-04 出版日期:2025-01-15 发布日期:2025-01-23
  • 通信作者: 罗健林,博士,教授。E-mail:lawjanelim@qut.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:张玮义(1999—),男,硕士研究生。主要从事新型建材与结构的研究。E-mail:925413457@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and Performance Optimization of Aerogel-Porous Zeolite Composite Loaded Inorganic Composite Polystyrene Insulation Board

ZHANG Weiyi1, LUO Jianlin1, WU Dagang2, WANG Chunzeng3, SHANG Huaishuai1, LIU Zhijun1   

  1. 1. Marine Environmental Concrete Technology Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education, School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266520, China;
    2. Qingdao Zhongqi New Energy Investment Co., Ltd, Qingdao 266519, China;
    3. Qingdao Real Estate Development Center, Qingdao 266210, China
  • Received:2024-07-05 Revised:2024-09-04 Published:2025-01-15 Online:2025-01-23

摘要: 在节能减排和“双碳”目标的大背景下,集多功能为一体的无机复合聚苯A级保温板亟待研发。气凝胶和多孔沸石具有多孔的结构特点,是优异的低导热系数材料。本文合成了气凝胶-多孔沸石复合料,研究了不同聚苯乙烯(EPS)颗粒、气凝胶-多孔沸石复合料和改性剂掺量对气凝胶-多孔沸石复合料负载无机复合聚苯保温板(AIPIB)干密度、导热性能、力学强度、防火及防水性能的影响规律,制得一种干密度为152 kg/m3、导热系数低于0.050 W/(m·K)、燃烧性能A级、14 d抗压强度高于0.15 MPa、饱水7 d吸水率低于5%的AIPIB,且AIPIB界面黏结良好;与《热复合聚苯乙烯泡沫保温板》(JG/T 536—2017)规定的A级保温板性能相比,此AIPIB具有更低的导热系数、更高的抗压强度、更优异的防水和防火性能,同时无机与有机组分黏结性能良好,综合优势明显。

关键词: 无机聚苯保温板, 气凝胶-多孔沸石复合料负载, 导热系数, 阻燃性能, 微观结构

Abstract: Under the background of energy saving, emission reduction and "double carbon" target, it is urgent to develop a type of inorganic composite polystyrene A class thermal insulation board integrated with diversified functions. Aerogels and porous zeolites possess porous structural characteristics and are excellent materials with low thermal conductivity coefficient. In this paper, aerogel-porous zeolite composite was firstly synthesized, and the influences of different dosages of EPS particles, aerogel-porous zeolite composite and modifying agent on the dry density, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength, fire prevention and waterproof performance of aerogel-porous zeolite composite loaded inorganic composite polystyrene insulation board (AIPIB) were comprehensively studied. AIPIB with dry density of 152 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient of lower than 0.050 W/(m·K), combustion performance of class A, 14 d compressive strength of higher than 0.15 MPa, 7 d saturation absorption of less than 5% is achieved, and the interface bonding of AIPIB is good. Compared with the performance of the A class thermal insulation board specified in “Thermal composite polystyrene foam insulation board” (JG/T 536—2017), AIPIB has lower thermal conductivity coefficient, higher compressive strength, better waterproof and fire prevention performance, and the bonding performance between inorganic and organic component is good with outstanding comprehensive advantages.

Key words: inorganic polystyrene insulation board, aerogel-porous zeolite composite loading, thermal conductivity coefficient, flame retardant performance, microstructure
