BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 2856-2864.

• Solid Waste and Eco-Materials • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Fatigue Resistance of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete with High Content Mineral Admixture

LI Haijiao1,2,3, WANG Jiajun1, HAN Xiping1, TAO Qi1,2,3, ZHANG Shilong4   

  1. 1. China Railway 19th Bureau Group Sixth Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuxi 214028, China;
    2. Jiangsu Construction Enterprise Technology Center, Wuxi 214028, China;
    3. Jiangsu Prefabricated Building Green Smart Manufacturing and Construction Technology Research Center, Wuxi 214028, China;
    4. Department of Road, Bridge and River Crossing Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huai'an 223003, China
  • Received:2023-04-20 Revised:2023-06-01 Published:2023-08-18

Abstract: To study the fatigue resistance of fiber reinforced lightweight aggregate concrete, constant stress cyclic compression tests were conducted to investigate the fatigue stress-strain response. The experiment used 20% (mass fraction) fly ash and 50% (mass fraction) granulated blast furnace slag to partially replace cement, and the experimental variables were single or mixed with different amounts of steel fibers and PVA fibers. The results show that with the increase of number of cycles loading, the number of macroscopic cracks in steel fiber reinforced concrete is more than that in PVA fiber reinforced concrete. The failure modes of specimens are manifested as the rupture of lightweight aggregate and the gradual extraction (steel fibers) or fracture (PVA fibers) of fibers. Steel fiber reinforced concrete has the highest fatigue strain and residual strain, while hybrid fiber concrete has the lowest. At the same stress level, hybrid fiber concrete has the longest fatigue life, while steel fiber concrete has the shortest. The ultimate fatigue damage of steel fiber concrete is higher than that of PVA fiber concrete and hybrid fiber concrete, and the difference gradually decreases with the decrease of maximum stress level.

Key words: lightweight aggregate concrete, fly ash, blast furnace slag, steel fiber, PVA fiber, fatigue resistance, fatigue life

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