BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 2667-2682.
• Cement and Concrete • Next Articles
LIANG Wenjie1, TAN Hongbo2, LYU Zhouling2
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[1] | PENG Yongjun, LIU Juanhong, LI Hua, LI Kang. Experimental Study on Performance of Bridge Pier Concrete in Plateau Area Based on RSM-BBD [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(7): 2401-2408. |
[2] | LIU Pei, YAO Suling, DONG Xianshu, FU Yuanpeng, LI Dehao. Microstructure and Performance Analysis of Pervious Concrete with Mineral Admixtures [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(7): 2504-2512. |
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[4] | LI Guang, LI Beixing, HUANG An, DENG Junshuang. Effects of Curing Temperature and Mineral Admixtures on Brittleness of Steam Cured Concrete [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(2): 487-495. |
[5] | XU Ning, YANG Heng, XIONG Chuansheng, ZHANG Dong, JIANG Peng, LIU Can, LIU Xinxin, CHENG Xingliao. Research Progress of Anti-Corrosion Additives in Reinforced Concrete [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(1): 1-21. |
[6] | CHEN Bo, WANG Weiyu, FENG Yuqiu, RAO Meijuan. Effects of Slag and Fly Ash on Capillary Pore and Erosion Resistance of High-Ferrite Portland Cement-Based Materials under Steam Curing [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(1): 162-169. |
[7] | LI Xin, DU Huihui, NI Wen, FU Pingfeng, WANG Fei. Ratio Optimization and Hydration Characteristics of KR Desulfurization Slag Alkali-Activated Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2023, 42(1): 170-179. |
[8] | SHAN Jixiong, LI Jun, HOU Yongsheng, HU Yanmin, LIU Chang. Influence of Calcium-Aluminum Hydrotalcite on Salt-Frost Resistance of Concrete [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2022, 41(9): 3084-3090. |
[9] | ZHANG Xiao, WANG Huangqi, WANG Dongmin. Research Progress on Preparation of Cement and Concrete from Gold Tailings [J]. BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY, 2022, 41(9): 3121-2128. |
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