BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 2121-2130.

Special Issue: 资源综合利用

• Solid Waste and Eco-Materials • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research and Application of Cement-Phosphogypsum Stabilized Crushed Stone Pavement Base Material

LIU Chao1,2, ZHAO Deqiang1,2, MA Qian3, CHEN Gui3, HUANG Ya3, SHEN Weiguo1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;
    2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;
    3. Guizhou Duyun Highway Administration, Duyun 558000, China
  • Received:2023-04-13 Revised:2023-04-13 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-25

Abstract: In order to promote the comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum (PG) and improve the crack resistance of cement stabilized crushed stone, the cement-PG stabilized crushed stone material was prepared by partially replacing fine aggregate with PG. The factors affecting the strength, water stability, and crack resistance of the material were systematically analyzed. The results show that the cement dosage, PG content, and aggregate gradation have a significant impact on the strength of cement-PG stabilized crushed stone material. Properly reducing the mass fraction of fine aggregate by 5%~10% is more conducive to the formation of the framework dense structure. PG has a filling effect offine aggregate and promotes the growth of expansive ettringite (AFt) crystals. When the content of PG is 8% (mass fraction), the strength retention rate of cement-PG stabilized crushed stone after soaking in water for 7 d is 73.4%, showing the fine water stability. Compared with cement stabilized crushed stone, its 7 d strength increases by 26.7% and 28 d dry shrinkage strain is reduced by 40.3%. An engineering application is carried out on a secondary road in Guizhou Province, and the pass rate of the test section is 100%, verifying the feasibility of the mix proportion.

Key words: cement, phosphogypsum, crushed stone base, water stability, compressive strength, engineering application

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