BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 1875-1885.

Special Issue: 玻璃

• Glass • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research Progress on Decarbonization Technology for Flat Glass Industry

ZHOU Wencai1,2, ZHOU Yun3, LIU Xiaopeng1,2, ZENG Hongjie1,2, YANG Qingquan3, WANG Chuanshen1, GUAN Min1   

  1. 1. China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200063, China;
    2. National Innovation Center for Advanced Glass Materials (Anhui) Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China;
    3. CTIEC Digitalization & Intellectualization Information Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200063, China
  • Received:2023-01-28 Revised:2023-03-02 Online:2023-05-15 Published:2023-06-01

Abstract: The flat glass industry is a typical industry with high energy consumption and high emission, which cannot be ignored in achieving carbon neutrality goal. Carbon emission of flat glass industry comes from energy consumption and decomposition of carbonates in raw materials, where energy consumption is dominant and accounts for about 80%. Thus, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and enhancing thermal efficiency of glass furnaces are main ways for decarbonization in flat glass industry. The carbon emission from thermal decomposition of carbonate in raw material accounts for around 20%. Optimizing compound formulation and reducing the introduction of carbonate raw material are effective decarbonization strategies. Furthermore, carbon capture can be used to reduce the unavoidable emission of carbon dioxide during the production of flat glass. This paper reviewed the current research status and challenges of decarbonization technology in flat glass industry and explored decarbonization technology suitable for the situation of flat glass industry in China.

Key words: flat glass, decarbonization, fuel substitution, heat recovery, melting technology, carbon capture

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