
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 1153-1161.

所属专题: 道路材料

• 道路材料 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐新强1,2, 韩方元1,2, 陈维斌1,2, 徐腾飞1,2, 崔宇1,2   

  1. 1.宁夏交通建设股份有限公司,银川 750001;
    2.宁夏交建交通科技研究院有限公司,银川 750004
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-28 修订日期:2023-11-20 出版日期:2024-03-15 发布日期:2024-03-27
  • 作者简介:徐新强(1997—),男,助理工程师。主要从事路面结构与材料方面的研究。E-mail:xu_xinqiang@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Influence of Steel Slag Fine Powder on Properties of Asphalt Mortar and Mixture

XU Xinqiang1,2, HAN Fangyuan1,2, CHEN Weibin1,2, XU Tengfei1,2, CUI Yu1,2   

  1. 1. Ningxia Communications Construction Co., Ltd., Yinchuan 750001, China;
    2. Research Institute of Transportation Technology of Ningxia Communications Construction, Yinchuan 750004, China
  • Received:2023-09-28 Revised:2023-11-20 Published:2024-03-15 Online:2024-03-27

摘要: 为探究钢渣磨细粉(SSFP)对沥青胶浆及其混合料性能的影响,使用粒径小于5 mm的钢渣制备SSFP。以石灰岩矿粉(LP)作为对照,对不同粉胶比(F/A)下SSFP沥青胶浆的性能进行了分析和评价,并探究了SSFP对沥青混合料性能的影响。结果表明:相较于LP,SSFP对沥青胶浆及混合料的高、低温及疲劳性能均有所提升,其中低温性能提升幅度最大,SSFP沥青胶浆的蠕变劲度模量提升了190.57%,SSFP沥青混合料的低温弯曲破坏应变提升了9.93%;增大F/A可提升沥青胶浆的高温性能,但会损伤其疲劳性能和低温性能;SSFP应用于沥青混合料中具备较强的可行性和推广价值。

关键词: 钢渣磨细粉, 沥青胶浆, 沥青混合料, 粉胶比, 双因素方差分析, 临界破坏温度

Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of steel slag fine power (SSFP) on performance of asphalt mortar and mixture, SSFP was prepared using steel slag with a particle size less than 5 mm. With limestone powder (LP) as a comparison group, the performance of SSFP asphalt mortar was analyzed and evaluated with different filler-asphalt ratio (F/A), and the effect of SSFP on the performance of asphalt mixture was also investigated. The results show that, compared with LP, SSFP improves the high temperature performance, low temperature performance and fatigue performance of asphalt mortar and mixture, with the greatest improvement in low temperature performance, 190.57% for bending creep stiffness modulus of SSFP asphalt mortar and 9.93% for low temperature bending fracture strain of mixture. The increase of F/A improves the high temperature performance of asphalt mortar, but damages its fatigue performance and low temperature performance. The application of SSFP in asphalt mixture has strong feasibility and popularization value.

Key words: steel slag fine powder, asphalt mortar, asphalt mixture, filler-asphalt ratio, two-factor variance analysis, critical failure temperature
