
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 1308-1317.

• 水泥混凝土 • 上一篇    下一篇


张洪刚1,2,3, 蒋逸雯4, 陈杰1, 赵忠忠4, 焦晓东1, 黎碧云1, 刘文欢4, 李辉4   

  1. 1.广西交科集团有限公司,南宁 530007;
    2.广西道路结构与材料重点实验室,南宁 530007;
    3.高等级公路建设与养护技术、材料及装备交通运输行业研发中心,南宁 530007;
    4.西安建筑科技大学材料科学与工程学院,西安 710055
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-28 修回日期:2022-01-07 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-27
  • 通讯作者: 李 辉,博士,教授。E-mail:sunshineli@vip.sina.com
  • 作者简介:张洪刚(1983—),男,高工。主要从事路面结构与材料研究。E-mail:286601676@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Regulation and Control of Admixtures on Working Performance of Early Strength Cement-Based Grouting Material for Semi-Flexible Pavement

ZHANG Honggang1,2,3, JIANG Yiwen4, CHEN Jie1, ZHAO Zhongzhong4, JIAO Xiaodong1, LI Biyun1, LIU Wenhuan4, LI Hui4   

  1. 1. Guangxi Transportation Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., Nanning 530007, China;
    2. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Road Structure and Materials, Nanning 530007, China;
    3. Research and Development Center on Technologies, Materials and Equipment of High Grade Highway Construction and Maintenance Ministry of Transport, Nanning 530007, China;
    4. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China
  • Received:2021-11-28 Revised:2022-01-07 Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-27

摘要: 针对大孔隙沥青混合料路面对灌浆材料工作性能要求较高的特点,本文开发了一种半柔性路面用早强型水泥基灌浆料。采用快硬硫铝酸盐水泥与普通硅酸盐水泥在不同比例下进行复掺,确定了水泥体系的基础配比;通过正交试验,确定了粉煤灰、硅灰、赤泥等矿物掺合料最佳配比。通过在灌浆料体系中复掺减水剂、胶粉、缓凝剂及早强剂外加剂,对灌浆料的工作性能进行了优化调控,最终获得满足性能要求的半柔性路面用水泥基灌浆料。结果表明,灌浆料体系的最优配比为m(快硬硫铝酸盐水泥)∶m(普通硅酸盐水泥)=7∶3,外掺粉煤灰、硅灰、赤泥的量分别为硫铝酸盐-普通硅酸盐复合水泥质量分数的9%、6%、3%,水胶比为0.40,砂胶比为0.25,早强剂、胶粉、减水剂、缓凝剂的掺量分别为0.08%、2.5%、0.35%、0.20%(质量分数),其初始和20 min流动度分别为13 s和19 s,初凝和终凝时间分别为62 min和65 min,3 h、1 d、7 d和28 d的抗压强度分别为17.08 MPa、18.13 MPa、24.59 MPa和26.19 MPa,7 d干缩率为0.18%。

关键词: 半柔性路面, 水泥基灌浆料, 矿物掺合料, 外加剂, 流动度, 凝结时间, 抗压强度

Abstract: In view of the characteristics of high requirements for grouting material performance in large pore asphalt mixture pavement, this paper develops an early strength cement-based grouting material for semi-flexible pavement. The basic ratio of cement system was determined by mixing fast hardening sulphoaluminate cement with ordinary Portland cement in different proportions. Through the orthogonal test, the optimum ratio of mineral admixtures such as fly ash, silica fume and red mud was determined. By adding water reducing agent, rubber powder, retarder and early strength additive into the grouting material system, the working performance of grouting material was optimized and controlled, and finally, the cement-based grouting material for semi-flexible pavement meeting the performance requirements was obtained. The results show that the optimal proportion of grouting material system is m(fast hardening sulphoaluminate cement)∶m(ordinary portland cement)=7∶3, the amounts of fly ash, silica fume and red mud are 9%, 6% and 3% of the mass of sulphoaluminate-ordinary silicate composite cement, respectively, the water-binder ratio is 0.40, the sand-binder ratio is 0.25. The admixtures of early strength agent, rubber powder, water reducer and retarder are 0.08%, 2.5%, 0.35% and 0.20% (mass fraction) respectively. The initial fluidity and 20 min fluidity are 13 s and 19 s. The initial and final setting time are 62 min and 65 min, respectively, and the compressive strength is 17.08 MPa, 18.13 MPa, 24.59 MPa and 26.19 MPa at 3 h, 1 d, 7 d and 28 d, respectively, and the drying shrinkage rate at 7 d is 0.18%.

Key words: semi-flexible pavement, cement-based grouting material, mineral admixture, admixture, fluidity, setting time, compressive strength
