
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 1185-1194.

• “玻璃材料与玻璃技术”专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈淑勇1,2,3, 陈家睿1,2, 李瑾4, 李从云1,2, 欧元勋1,2, 江琦1,2, 左泽方1,2   

  1. 1.浮法玻璃新技术国家重点实验室,蚌埠 233000;
    2.硅基材料安徽省实验室,蚌埠 233000;
    3.玻璃新材料创新中心(安徽)有限公司,蚌埠 233000;
    4.安徽凯盛基础材料科技有限公司,蚌埠 233000
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-17 修回日期:2022-02-10 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-27
  • 作者简介:陈淑勇(1987—),男,博士,高工。主要从事玻璃熔化与成形过程模拟研究。E-mail:chenshuyong1987@gmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Simulation Analysis of Glass Melt Flow Behavior in Entrance Area of Float Tin Bath

CHEN Shuyong1,2,3, CHEN Jiarui1,2, LI Jin4, LI Congyun1,2, OU Yuanxun1,2, JIANG Qi1,2, ZUO Zefang1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Float Glass, Bengbu 233000, China;
    2. Silica-based Materials Laboratory of Anhui Province, Bengbu 233000, China;
    3. Innovation Center for Advanced Glass Materials (Anhui) Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China;
    4. Anhui Triumph Base Materials Technology Co., Ltd., Bengbu 233000, China
  • Received:2021-11-17 Revised:2022-02-10 Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-27

摘要: 针对浮法玻璃成形过程,提出了锡槽入口段简化稳态多相模型,并采用Ansys Fluent 2019 R3软件,模拟研究了500 t/d锡槽入口段玻璃液的流动与成形过程,分析了拉引量、玻璃液黏度对唇砖与八字砖区玻璃液流动与液层厚度分布的影响。结果表明,拉引量过小或黏度过低时液层出现不连续,拉引量过大或黏度过高时液层横向厚度均匀性变差,案例锡槽实现浮法玻璃均匀稳定成形的工艺操作范围是拉引量400~550 t/d,黏度400~600 Pa·s。

关键词: 浮法玻璃, 锡槽, 成形, 拉引量, 黏度, 数值模拟, 多相流动

Abstract: For the float glass process, a simplified steady multiphase model was proposed for the simulation of glass melt forming process in the tin bath entrance area. The Ansys Fluent 2019 R3 software package was employed to simulate the glass melt flow and forming process for a tin bath with pull rate of 500 t/d. The flow behavior and layer thickness distribution of glass melt at spout lip and restrictor area were investigated with different pull rates and viscosities. According to the results, the glass melt layer becomes discontinuous with small pull rate or viscosity, and the uniformity of layer thickness in transverse direction gets worse with extreme large pull rate or viscosity. Finally, the optimized operation condition for float glass forming process of the sample tin bath is pull rate of 400~550 t/d and viscosity of 400~600 Pa·s.

Key words: float glass, tin bath, forming, pull rate, viscosity, numerical simulation, multiphase flow
