
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 2062-2066.

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  1. 西昌学院,西昌,615013;钢城集团凉山瑞海实业有限公司冶金渣综合利用分公司,西昌,615000
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Experimental Research on Performance of C30 Concrete with Aggregate of High Titanium Heavy Slag in Xichang City

QIAN Bo;HU Jian-chun;QI Ming-qiang;ZHENG Fa-ping;ZHAO Jie   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 为研究西昌高钛重矿渣骨料配制工业与民用建筑工程泵送混凝土的可行性,针对天然砂石骨料和全高钛重矿渣骨料,结合相关规范,分别进行C30混凝土配合比设计,通过对比试验研究了混凝土拌合性能、力学性能和耐久性能.研究表明对西昌高钛重矿渣骨料进行12 h的饱水预湿机制,可以显著提高混凝土的性能;西昌高钛重矿渣骨料可以替代天然骨料配制泵送混凝土,其拌合性能、力学性能、耐久性能和结构性能,符合相关规范的要求.

关键词: 混凝土;高钛重矿渣骨料;配合比设计;拌合性能;力学性能;耐久性能

Abstract: In accordance with relevant standards, experimental research was carried out respectively to verify the feasibility of pumping concrete of industrial and civil construction engineering, which concrete prepared by aggregate of high titanium heavy slag ( HTHS aggregate) in Xichang City.According to natural aggregate concrete and HTHS aggregate concrete of C30, comparative experimental research contained mix proportion design of concrete, mixing performance, mechanical performance, long-term performance and durability.Experimental research shows that it can significantly increase concrete performance that pre-wetting time of HTHS aggregate is 12 h; HTHS aggregate in Xichang City can be used instead of natural aggregate to prepare pumping concrete, which mixing performance, mechanical performance, long-term performance and durability, structure performance met relevant standard requirements.

Key words: concrete;aggregate of high titanium heavy slag;mix proportion design;mixing performance;mechanical performance;long-term performance and durability
