
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 1818-1824.

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  1. 西安工业大学建筑工程学院,西安,710021;西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,西安 710055;西安建筑科技大学西部绿色建筑重点实验室,西安 710055
  • 出版日期:2018-06-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Experiment Research of Carbonation Durability of Shotcrete Lining under Bending Loading

WANG Jia-bin;NIU Di-tao   

  • Online:2018-06-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以一般大气环境长大喷射混凝土单层永久衬砌隧道为背景,开展弯曲荷载作用下喷射混凝土衬砌碳化耐久性试验.采用改进的四点弯曲法,对应力比为0、0.25、0.50和0.75的混凝土试件进行快速碳化试验,并对无荷载混凝土试件的抗压强度、劈裂抗拉强度及抗折强度进行测试.以张誉碳化模型为基础,对其碳化系数进行修正,建立考虑应力比、受力方式、钢纤维和成型方式的喷射混凝土碳化深度预测模型.结果表明:喷射混凝土碳化深度符合Fick第一定律,碳化系数与受力方式和应力比、钢纤维及成型方式有关.喷射混凝土碳化耐久性优于模筑混凝土,钢纤维可进一步提升喷射混凝土碳化耐久性.碳化混凝土相对抗压强度和相对劈裂抗拉强度随碳化深度增大而增大,相对劈裂抗拉强度与碳化深度呈指数关系.通过将模型预测值与试验值进行对比,其平均偏差小于10%,标准差为0.07,对弯曲荷载喷射混凝土碳化深度的预测具有较好的适用性.

关键词: 隧道工程;衬砌结构;喷射混凝土;弯曲荷载;快速碳化

Abstract: In order to investigate carbonation durability of tunnel lining shotcrete, using spring-four points bending loading method, considering the influence of forming mode and steel fiber mixing, carbonation durability of shotcrete under bending loading ratio of 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 was carried out.Meantime, compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths of carbonation concrete specimens were measured. Based on Zhang's carbonization model, instructing the effective coefficient of bending loading, steel fiber and forming mode, the carbonation depth predictive model of bending loading shotcrete was established. The result shows that carbonation depth of concrete with bending stress obeys Fick's first law. Carbonation coefficient has relationship with force mode, bending ratio, steel fiber mixing and forming mode.Shotcrete has better carbonation durability than ordinary concrete.Furthermore, steel fiber mixing can improve shotcrete carbonation resistance.With carbonation depth increasing, compressive and splitting tensile strengths of carbonation concrete increase.However, flexural strength of those is first decreased quickly and then stable.Comparison with predictive values and experiment data, the mean deviation is less than 10% and the standard deviation is 0.07.It has good applicability for predicting carbonation depth of bending loading shotcrete.

Key words: tunneling engineering;lining structure;shotcrete;bend loading;accelerated carbonation
