
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1722-1726.

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  1. 武汉科技大学,省部共建耐火材料与冶金国家重点实验室,武汉 430081;濮阳濮耐高温材料(集团)股份有限公司,濮阳 457100;武汉科技大学,省部共建耐火材料与冶金国家重点实验室,武汉 430081;濮阳濮耐高温材料(集团)股份有限公司,濮阳,457100
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Degradations of Low-carbon Magnesia Carbon Refractories Containing with Expanded Graphite and Flake Graphite in VOD Ladle Slagline

LI Tian-qing;LI Nan;YAN Wen;ZHANG Hou-xing;HE Zhong-yang;LIU Bai-kuan   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 以膨胀石墨与微米粒径鳞片石墨为主要碳源制得的两种低碳镁碳材料为对象,研究了其在VOD精炼钢包渣线部位工业试验的侵蚀机理.研究发现,含微米粒径鳞片石墨镁碳材料与渣层之间形成了MgO致密层和致密渗透层,而膨胀石墨由于氧化后在原位形成大尺寸孔隙不利于致密层的形成,使得后者与渣层之间未能形成MgO致密层.MgO致密层的形成抑制了高温、低压精炼环境下MgO-碳系统中MgO-碳间的氧化反应与碳的直接燃烧氧化反应,改善了材料的抗侵蚀性能.因此,含膨胀石墨低碳镁碳材料的平均侵蚀速率比含微米粒径鳞片石墨的低碳镁碳材料高45%.在此基础上,提出了工业试验条件下两种低碳镁碳材料的侵蚀机理.

关键词: VOD钢包;低碳镁碳材料;渣线;侵蚀;石墨

Abstract: Based on the two kinds of low-carbon magnesia carbon refractories (LCMCR) containing with expanded graphite or micron-scale graphite as the main carbon resources , it 's degradations were investigated in VOD ladle slagline by industrial tests .The results indicated that MgO dense layer and slag infiltration dense layer were formed in the corrosion layer of the LCMCR containing with micron -scale graphite, but not in the corrosion layer of the LCMCR containing with expanded graphite due to the bigger pores originated by the oxidation of expanded graphites .The decarburizing reaction ( MgO-carbon reaction) under the VOD refining condition (high temperature, low pressure) and the direct burnout of the carbon in the LCMCR were inhibited due to the dense layers formed in corrosion layer , and the corrosion resistance could be improved as result .So the average corrosion rate of the LCMCR containing with expanded graphite was 45% higher than the one containing with micron -scale graphite, and the corrosion mechanisms of the two kinds of LCMCRs were proposed .

Key words: VOD ladle;low-carbon magnesia carbon refractories;slagline;degradation;graphite
