
硅酸盐通报 ›› 2018, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 1538-1542.

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  1. 西安市政道桥建设有限公司,西安,710055;西安建筑科技大学材料与矿资学院,西安,710055
  • 出版日期:2018-05-15 发布日期:2021-01-18
  • 基金资助:

Microcosmic Mechanism Research of Cement Clinker Prepared with Thermal Hydrolysis Sludge

ZHAO Wei;MU Zheng-ping;FAN Hai-hong;LI Bin-bin   

  • Online:2018-05-15 Published:2021-01-18

摘要: 掺加不同比例污泥灰分制备水泥熟料,通过易烧性实验、衍射、岩相分析、核磁共振等方法研究其对熟料矿物和微观形貌的影响.结果表明:随着污泥掺量的增加,游离钙的含量先减小后增大;衍射和核磁共振分析得出C3 S/C2 S的比值先增大后减小,C3 S在污泥灰掺量为1%时相对含量最高;岩相分析得出掺量为1%时,晶型完整,各矿物相分布均匀.掺量为1%时从矿物组成和微观形貌为最优.

关键词: 热水解污泥;水泥熟料;微观机理

Abstract: Cement clinker was prepared by adding different proportions of sludge ash .The influence of the clinker on the mineral and micro-structure of clinker was investigated by flammability test , diffraction, petrographic analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance etc .The results show that the content of f-CaO decreased first and then increased with the increase of sludge content .And the ratio of C3 S/C2 S lead to the reverse law by diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance .The content of C3 S was the highest when the amount of sludge was one percent .At this percent, the crystalline type was complete and the mineral phases was well distributed through lithofacies analysis .The optimum content is one percent from mineral composition and microstructure.

Key words: thermal hydrolysis sludge;cement clinker;microcosmic mechanism
